Chapter 179 Unless what?
Facing Lu Yunyao's questioning, Duan Yixing wanted to cry, but he had already explained it in this way, but Lu Yunyao still didn't believe him, what could he do!
Duan Yixing's clarification words sounded like a joke to Lu Yunyao's ears.

A joke that a three-year-old wouldn't believe.

"Then how do you believe what I say? I only love you."

Lu Yunyao's conflicting emotions made Duan Yixing, who managed to calm Lu Yunyao down, a little tired.

He managed to get Lu Yunyao to reduce his resistance to him, but now Liang Meizi somehow destroyed her.

Any predecessor is the greatest enemy of the current incumbent and a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Lu Yunyao took away the hand that was caressing Duan Yixing's heart, and said coldly: "Get a divorce! I don't love you anyway, so we're even."

Duan Yixing also firmly said to Lu Yunyao: "I will not divorce!"

"Why don't you get a divorce?! You announced the hidden marriage, but you announced it to the world. From the beginning, you didn't plan to keep your promise. How can I trust you?"

As Lu Yunyao spoke, she shed tears of grievance.

She didn't know how to deal with the overwhelming rumors!
All of this was done by Duan Yixing, and it was all his fault.

Duan Yixing was told by Lu Yunyao to go to the center. He really didn't worry about Lu Yunyao's feelings. He was thinking about how to tell the world about Lu Yunyao's relationship with him. He wanted to tell the world that Lu Yunyao belonged to him. No one is allowed to spy on what belongs to him.

"What to do now! It's all talking about it on the Internet."

As Lu Yunyao spoke, the tears flowed more and more violently, hitting Duan Yixing's heart suddenly, causing him to feel pain.

Duan Yixing stretched out his hand, gently wiped away the tears on Lu Yunyao's face with his fingers, and said in a low voice, "We are a legal couple, what are you afraid of?"

In fact, Duan Yixing didn't understand why Lu Yunyao had to keep a low profile. She was from a good family and she could make herself popular with her own ability.

What's more, it is a fact that they are married, and it is protected by law, so he doesn't understand why Lu Yunyao wants to have a secret marriage, and what are the benefits of a secret marriage?
Lu Yunyao would gain greater benefits by exposing their mutual marriage.

"I just want to rely on my own ability to become popular, otherwise I... would have been married a long time ago, do you still have a chance?!"

Lu Yunyao pushed away the hand that Duan Yixing was wiping her, and began to wipe it with the palm of her hand indiscriminately.

Duan Yixing's gentle wiping made her feel weird, and another point was that she was not used to it.

She is not used to having such intimate contact with a boy.

Duan Yixing also knows a thing or two about Lu Yunyao's forced marriage, and also knows that Lu Yunyao wants to become popular with his own ability, but the reality is so realistic.

When you think you are a commoner, you will not be given any good resources, and you will not even give a bird's eye. Not suppressing is already considered very good.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Yunyao has never been able to catch fire.

In fact, what Lu Yunyao said was correct, if Lu Yunyao hadn't been so persistent, she might have been married long ago, and there would be nothing wrong with Duan Yixing.

"I promise you that we will temporarily hide the marriage, so can you stop crying?"

Faced with Duan Yixing's promise, Lu Yunyao shook her head and said, "I can't believe you, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you put all your property in my name!"

Since there is no emotion in marriage, at least one can get some compensation!What's more, Lu Yunyao concluded that Duan Yixing didn't dare to agree, so she made such a bad move.

(End of this chapter)

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