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Chapter 181 Don't Touch Me

Chapter 181 Don't Touch Me
Lu Yunyao never thought that this day would happen to her.

In the past, she thought that she would be rational, that she would definitely not be like a shrew, but in the end her anger still covered everything.

Maybe she cares about being criticized by others, or maybe she cares that in this marriage, she is just a supporting role and being used by others.

Duan Yixing let Lu Yunyao hit him with a handbag until Lu Yunyao lost all strength and fell down on the carpet.

One palm can't make a sound, and one person keeps hitting without getting a response. The more you hit, the more addictive you will become.

People will discard things that are not addictive, and people will not continue with things that are not addictive. For example, now, Lu Yunyao who has been beating people alone, the people who were beaten did not fight back at all.

At this time, Lu Yunyao felt as if she was doing a one-man show.

In a relationship, a one-man show is the saddest thing...

She knew that there is no good in this world for no reason, and there is no fate that falls from the sky, and there will be no love at first sight, everything is for profit and use.

She is writing novels, and she also knows the cruelty of reality, and the fact that real life is different from novels and TV dramas, but she still hopes that her life can be as happy and sweet as novels.

Could it be that she wrote too many abusive articles and deceived too many readers' tears, so God punished her like this?
Arrange for her a Duan Yixing like this.

Duan Yixing knelt down on one knee, looking at Lu Yunyao who fell to the ground, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

The tears on Lu Yunyao's cheeks, like sharp knives, slowly scraped across his heart, making him feel the pain vaguely.

This was the first time he felt this feeling, in other words, it was quite fresh.

Lu Yunyao, who was crying, threw away the hand that was trying to wipe her eyes.

"Don't touch me!"

Duan Yixing, who was thrown away, froze in embarrassment. After a moment of silence, he suddenly hugged Lu Yunyao, and whispered in her ear: "It's my fault, I shouldn't make you feel insecure."

Why Lu Yunyao became like this is more or less his problem.

Lu Yunyao was ready to accept him at the beginning, but was caught in such a dispute.

It was Lu Yunyao's fault for not giving him enough sense of security. If they trust each other enough, no amount of snowstorms will be a problem.

The problem is that the relationship between them is just a piece of glass, which seems to be extremely strong, but in fact it will shatter when touched.

Lu Yunyao, who was crying, patted Duan Yixing's back, signaling him to let her go: "Don't hug me! Who told you to hug me!"

But Lu Yunyao's strength was very light, so light that it seemed as if he missed it.

Duan Yixing took the initiative to admit his mistakes, which relieved Lu Yunyao's inner pain a lot.

"Don't cry, it's all my fault."

The stubborn Lu Yunyao couldn't help but snap back: "It's all your fault!"

Duan Yixing hugged Lu Yunyao slowly, and said softly, "Well, it's all my fault."

Sometimes, don't underestimate a hug, it can not only maintain the relationship between each other, but even purify the anger.

A gentle hug can bring people a warm feeling, eliminate fatigue, and purify unsatisfactory thoughts.

After Liang Meizi was kicked out by Aunt Yu and the security guards, she took her son with her suitcase and went for a stroll to the home of Duan Yixing's mother, Ms. Yao.

The originally quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken by a childish voice: "Mommy, why are you doing this?"

Liang Meizi, who was pulling the suitcase, asked inexplicably, "Huh? Xiaodousha, what are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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