Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 183 You are a big liar

Chapter 183 You are a big liar
Lu Yunyao sat on the snow, holding the drowsy man in her arms, and the hoarse voice from crying kept calling out to the man who closed his eyes.

"Gu Xifan, stop pretending, open your eyes quickly! I know you are playing tricks on me, in order not to let me get married."

Lu Yunyao is still so stubborn up to now, deliberately using thorny words to stimulate the man in her arms.

The man who had lost too much blood was pale, and his breathing was so weak that he could hardly hear it. This feeling was very strange. When Lu Yunyao saw it strangely, he subconsciously felt uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he couldn't even breathe.

She had never tried this before, but today, the man in her arms made her feel this strange discomfort.

Duan Yixing was very tired and breathing heavily, but he still didn't open his eyes, like a sleeping prince.

The temperature in the snow mountain was very cold, so cold that Duan Yixing's lips gradually turned pale.

Looking at Duan Yixing's bloodless lips, Lu Yunyao felt uneasy all of a sudden, and tears couldn't stop pouring out of her eyes.

"Open your eyes and look at me, please."

"You said it. You want to protect me for the rest of your life. You can't break your promise, you big liar."

As Lu Yunyao was talking, she suddenly roared and burst into tears. She had never experienced such pain in her heart.

She never imagined that the invulnerable Duan Yixing would fall down one day.

She couldn't even imagine the result of Duan Yixing's death because of her.

Lu Yunyao hugged Duan Yixing, who had just been shot for her, and cried.

She never expected that when she came to the snow-capped mountains to shoot, she would meet up with gangsters to make appointments.

This kind of thing, of course, is to run, but when she was fleeing, she unfortunately fell down.

A bullet without eyes flew towards her mercilessly, causing Lu Yunyao to close her eyes subconsciously in fright.

But the bullet didn't land on her for a long time, she couldn't help opening her eyes out of curiosity, and saw Duan Yixing kneeling in front of her with a very painful expression on his face.

No need to guess, Lu Yunyao also knew what happened.

But why did Duan Yixing appear in front of her eyes?And at the critical moment, he used his body to block bullets for her.

Tears kept flowing from his eyes, as if he didn't want money. Duan Yixing promised to protect her for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he would actually do it, and even cost his life.

Duan Yixing felt the tears dripping down his face, no need to guess, he knew it was Lu Yunyao's tears, he tried his best, the corners of his mouth opened a little, and his voice was hoarse and weak: "I can die in your arms. I think Death is worth it."

Duan Yixing spoke very slowly, even his voice was very weak.

Lu Yunyao looked at Duan Yixing's pale lips, and the tears flowed even more violently.

Because she could finally hear Duan Yixing speak, proving that he is still alive, crying mixed with excitement: "It's okay, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

With difficulty, Duan Yixing took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Lu Yunyao, weakly said: "A wedding gift for you."

Lu Yunyao took the small box, opened it with trembling hands, and found that it was the ring he gave her when she married Duan Yixing, but she threw it on the beach!

Afterwards, she couldn't find it either, she thought she would never find it, but she didn't expect to be found by Duan Yixing.

Tears couldn't stop overflowing, making people feel distressed when they saw it.

Duan Yixing's assistant drove over at this moment, opened the door, and hurriedly sent Duan Yixing and Lu Yunyao into the car.

Duan Yixing leaned weakly on Lu Yunyao's shoulder, and the car drove quickly on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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