Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 192 The Autocratic Man

Chapter 192 The Autocratic Man

Pan Yuqiao quickly replied: "Okay!"

"Then you notify the other marketing accounts to release the news, and by the way, explain the photos that Lu Yunyao and Duan Yixing were secretly photographed a few days ago, saying that they are stills from a movie."

Lu Yunyao listened to Fei Nanmei crackling and ordering Pan Yuqiao to do the work, but she couldn't see the content on the screen at a glance.

Before she had time to read the text on the screen just now, Fei Nanmei took it over.

So she didn't see anything.

But the only thing she knew was that Fei Nanmei planned to use the filming to explain the scandal that they were secretly photographed that day.

In fact, she planned to do this since Duan Yixing was going to participate and play the leading role in "At First Sight", but before she had time to tell Fei Nanmei to do this, she was constantly questioned by Fei Nanmei about the relationship between her and Duan Yixing .

However, Fei Nanmei has always been in the media, and she is very sensitive about this aspect. She has not clarified it before because she has not found a suitable reason for the time being.

If no suitable reason has been found, Fei Nanmei is going to leave the scandal empty.

If there is no response to the scandal, everyone will not be able to verify it. They can only make various guesses, and then they will be forgotten over time.

This is one of the methods of dealing with gossip, referred to as stocking treatment.

Lu Yunyao took out her mobile phone, planning to search for trending searches by herself.

Pan Yuqiao's phone was still in Fei Nanmei's hand, and she didn't feel that Fei Nanmei wanted to show her the phone.

So, she could only turn on her mobile phone.

But I still couldn't help complaining in my heart: "Isn't it just a mobile phone?! She has it!"

Lu Yunyao just unlocked the phone, and immediately received a call, so scared that Lu Yunyao almost threw the phone away.

The caller turned out to be her mother.

Every time Lu Yunyao's mother called, either to urge her to marry or to go back to inherit the family business, but now that she is married, is it to urge her to inherit the family business?

Ever since, Lu Yunyao answered the call from her mother out of curiosity.


Just as Lu Yunyao said a word, there was a deafening voice next to her ear, which made her almost drop her phone in fright.

"Lu Yunyao! Did you make a mistake! Even if you are in the entertainment industry by yourself, you even dragged my son-in-law into it?! Are you trying to rebel?!"

The ear-piercing voice scared Lu Yunyao away quickly, otherwise she was worried that her ears would be damaged.

Lu Yunyao just wanted to ask her mother, Hu Suyang, why she knew about it, but after realizing it, she realized that her mother paid close attention to her entertainment news, so how could she not know about Duan Yixing's acting with her.

Before Lu Yunyao could answer, Hu Suyang continued to growl: "I order you to get out of here quickly and inherit the family business! Don't bring my son-in-law down!"

In Hu Suyang's words, Lu Yunyao had the illusion that Duan Yixing was actually Hu Suyang's own, and she was picked up by Lu Yunyao.

How can my mother speak like that?

On the left, he said son-in-law, on the right, he said son-in-law, they didn't take her seriously at all.

Speaking of who led the other, Lu Yunyao felt aggrieved immediately, and couldn't help complaining: "Where did I lead him? It's clear that he wants to spy on me! Why don't you beat him and scold him for dictatorship?!"

In order to prevent her from getting in touch with other men, Duan Yixing directly snatched back the role of the male lead, preventing her from getting to know other male objects.

When it comes to dictatorship, Duan Yixing deserves it!

(End of this chapter)

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