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Chapter 198 Can You Stay Away From Me?

Chapter 198 Can You Stay Away From Me?

Yuan Tezhu looked shocked, his hands were in mid-air because there was nowhere to put them.

Mo Miaomiao grabbed Yuan Tezhu's collar angrily, and blocked all his words with her lips.

Since Yuan Tezhu hates her kisses so much, and even washes with water constantly, then she will disgust Yuan Tezhu to the end!

It was just an accidental encounter just now, as for being so exaggerated?

Accidentally touching her lips just now is not considered a kiss, but now...

It was obvious that Mo Miaomiao kissed her on purpose.

Special assistant Yuan, who was in a daze, was like a puppet at this moment, letting Mo Miaomiao fish and meat.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which startled both of them instantly!
"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Mo Miaomiao, are you in there?"

Lu Yunyao suddenly wanted to inform Mo Miaomiao about something, so she walked over in Mo Miaomiao's direction.

Yuan Tezhu leaned against the door, so the knock on the door was extremely clear to him, and he was also extremely nervous, for fear that Lu Yunyao would find the two of them inside.

Mo Miaomiao quickly gave up blocking Yuan Tezhu, and said, "What's wrong? I have diarrhea, and I may not be able to get out for a while."

Lu Yunyao outside the door knew that the person inside was Mo Miaomiao, so she explained to her: "I'm here to tell you that I have something important to do, so I'll go back first, and you can get off work right away!"

"Well! I see."

After Mo Miaomiao replied to Lu Yunyao, she was so quiet that she didn't dare to take a breath, and the two of them just didn't dare to move, waiting for Lu Yunyao to leave.

After Yuan Tezhu heard the sound of leaving footsteps outside, he glanced at their awkward posture at this time, and couldn't help but whispered: "Can you stay away from me?"

The two of them still maintained a wall-dong posture, which made Tezhu Yuan very embarrassed.

The most embarrassing thing was Mo Miaomiao, she wondered if Lu Yunyao saw them together in the bathroom?

Suddenly Mo Miaomiao felt so ashamed that Lu Yunyao saw everything.

Seeing that Mo Miaomiao didn't respond, Yuan Tezhu raised his voice a little and said, "Can you stay away from me?"

Yuan Tezhu was humble and authentic, while trying to push Mo Miaomiao away, trying to keep the distance between the two of them as far as possible.

As soon as Tezhu Yuan's hand touched Mo Miaomiao's shoulder, Mo Miaomiao went crazy and roared at Tezhu Yuan in a low voice.

"Try before pushing me!"

Yuan Tezhu instantly turned into a poor kitten, and took back the hand that just pushed Mo Miaomiao.

It was the first time he met such a strong woman, and he was a little at a loss.

He didn't know what he did wrong that Mo Miaomiao wanted to treat him like this.

"Dare to ask, did I offend you?"

After listening to this, Mo Miaomiao suddenly said angrily, "Then tell me, what were you doing just now?"

Yuan Tezhu replied to Mo Miaomiao without even thinking about it: "Wash your mouth!"

Such a straightforward answer made Mo Miaomiao furious.

"Just because I accidentally kissed you just now?"

As soon as Mo Miaomiao asked the question, Special Assistant Yuan quickly nodded, and then, under Mo Miaomiao's fierce eyes, changed from nodding to shaking his head in denial.

If he didn't know where he was wrong until now, Tezhu Yuan felt that he didn't have enough insight to stay by Duan Yixing's side.

Special Assistant Yuan quickly promised: "I promise, I won't rinse my mouth this time."

Knowing mistakes can make a big difference, that's what Yuan Tezhu thought, but Mo Miaomiao didn't mean that when he heard the words.

"Then why did you rinse your mouth just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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