Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 200 Where are you now?

Chapter 200 Where are you now?

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Yunyao's voice came: "Tezhu Yuan, where did you go just now? You should leave work early today too! I have some personal matters to deal with, so it's not convenient to take you with me."

When Tezhu Yuan heard Lu Yunyao say that he couldn't find him just now, he suddenly panicked.

While talking, Special Assistant Yuan hurried out to find Lu Yunyao, if something happened to Lu Yunyao, how would he explain to Duan Yixing.

"Where are you now? I'm coming to you."

"It's a private matter! I won't tell you, that's it, bye!"

Yuan Tezhu had just walked halfway when the phone was hung up. He was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly called back, but Lu Yunyao seemed to be doing it on purpose, and refused every time he called.

Yuan Tezhu, who couldn't find Lu Yunyao, suddenly became depressed.

His task is to watch Lu Yunyao, but Lu Yunyao disappeared under his nose, Duan Yixing will definitely blame him.

Special Assistant Yuan, who couldn't find Lu Yunyao, immediately called Duan Yixing instead, and reported to him that Lu Yunyao had left.

At this time, Lu Yunyao was on the way to Uncle Wang's house in a taxi.

Ever since she knew that Uncle Wang was ill, she hadn't taken the time to visit his old man's house.

Uncle Wang has managed the company for her for so long, and she should come to visit him and show his appreciation.

Before Lu Yunyao approached Uncle Wang's house, she spotted a fruit shop on the side of the road, only to realize later that she needed to buy something to visit.

"Master, return to the fruit shop you just passed."

Just as Lu Yunyao finished speaking, the driver suddenly said awkwardly: "You can't turn your head back here."

Hearing that she couldn't go back to buy fruit, Lu Yunyao felt a little regretful.

"Master, do you know that there is a fruit basket in front?"

There is no reason to visit the sick with empty hands!

After listening to Lu Yunyao's question, the driver suggested, "As far as I know, there is no fruit shop anywhere you go, why don't I take you to the mall to buy?"

Uncle Wang lives in a wealthy community, and those communities are relatively close to the suburbs, and there are many mountains, grass and trees nearby.

What Lu Yunyao needed at this time was a good gift like a fruit basket, so she almost agreed to the driver's proposal: "That's fine too!"

The driver suddenly turned a corner at the front position and drove in another direction.

After Lu Yunyao agreed with the driver to change the itinerary, she received a call from Duan Yixing.

As soon as Lu Yunyao answered the call, Duan Yixing's worried questioning came from the phone.

"Where are you?"

"Did Special Assistant Yuan report to you? Since Special Assistant Yuan has already said it, I won't repeat it."

Lu Yunyao knew that Special Assistant Yuan would definitely call Duan Yixing to make a small report.

I didn't expect this small report to come so soon.

"You didn't tell Yuan Tezhu, where are you going? Tell me where you are, so I can ask Yuan Tezhu to pick you up."

From the words, Lu Yunyao heard that Duan Yixing treated her like a child.

"I'm not a child, so don't worry about getting lost."

For Duan Yixing's over-concern, Lu Yunyao was a little displeased, she is not a child, she does not need to be watched every minute.

"Hey, tell me where you are? I'll pick you up."

Duan Yixing thought that Lu Yunyao didn't want to see Yuan Tezhu, so instead he went to pick her up in person, so Lu Yunyao should be willing to tell him where she is!

Duan Yixing was thinking too much, Lu Yunyao had no intention of telling anyone where she was going.

She wanted to secretly visit Uncle Wang, the CEO of Shining Star Group, and discuss something with the CEO by the way. The fewer people who know about such confidential matters, the safer.

Suddenly there was the sound of shutting down the phone in her ears, Lu Yunyao frowned and held it in front of her eyes, and found that the phone was turned off because it was out of battery.

The unfamiliar environment outside the car window suddenly made Lu Yunyao feel uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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