Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 207 What Did He Do Wrong?

Chapter 207 What Did He Do Wrong?

As soon as the protective wall was closed by Lu Yunyao, a signal tracked in. Lu Yunyao followed the signal and tracked it back, and found a miraculous thing, because the location she tracked back turned out to be the Duan Group.

Lu Yunyao was a little surprised by this result, but in the next second she activated the protective wall, and the signal just detected on the opposite side was cut off immediately.

Lu Yunyao's tracker suddenly responded, and Yuan Tezhu couldn't help but excitedly said: "Finally, there is a response."

"where is it?"

Just as Duan Yixing asked, Tezhu Yuan, who was originally excited, suddenly turned depressed, and the expression on his face changed faster than the performance.

Special Assistant Yuan tried to trace the location of the signal just now, but the signal was suddenly disconnected, and the reaction just now seemed to be just a flash of fireworks.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he almost thought that what he saw just now was an illusion.

Anxious Duan Yixing saw Yuan Tezhu suddenly stop what he was doing, but didn't reply to his position, so he was a little unhappy and said: "Where is it?"

Duan Yixing's question made Tezhu Yuan a little confused.

Special Assistant Yuan was really explaining to Duan Yixing seriously: "I really had a reaction just now, but it disappeared soon."

He really saw the tracker respond just now, but now there is nothing, even the address flashed past him, and he couldn't locate it at all.

Sure enough, Duan Yixing was not very satisfied with Yuan Tezhu's answer.

"Since there is a response, why don't you use the data just now to track it?"

After being reminded by Duan Yixing, Special Assistant Yuan quickly recovered from his frustration and tried to analyze the signal that flashed just now.

But when he started to operate, he found that the data that flashed by just now disappeared, as if he had just misjudged it just now.

Special Assistant Yuan put himself back into the computer and kept typing on the keyboard, trying to find out what he saw with his eyes just now, but no matter how hard he searched, there was still no gain. The flashing data seemed to have never existed.

At this time, Duan Yixing was kind. He thought he had won the grand prize, but in the end he told him that he felt so happy for nothing, and even his tone was very bad: "Is there really? Or are you delusional?"

"The things you develop are all rubbish, and you don't respond in an emergency."

The tracker was developed by Yuan Tezhu and his team. It has been used several times without any problems. I don’t know why something went wrong today.

It was within his expectation that there would be problems. After all, he couldn't say that the products he developed were perfect on the ground.

Lu Yunyao disappeared right under his nose, and he had to pay the greatest responsibility. He originally thought that the tracker could save some of his mistakes, but he didn't expect that he would aggravate his crimes.

What did he do wrong?
Suddenly, in Tezhu Yuan's mind, he couldn't help but recall the incident of him being kissed by Mo Miaomiao, and his ears turned red.

Lu Yunyao at the other end has already put the tiny laptop back to its original position, and picked up the phone to check the news.

Just now, after she quickly tracked the other party's location, she erased the data displayed on the tracker on the other party's computer by the way, so that special assistant Yuan could not find the data.

At this time, Special Assistant Yuan should be glad that his data was just erased.

Because in normal times, Lu Yunyao directly broke through the opponent's protective wall, and even emptied out the important information inside, and then put a virus in, so Special Assistant Yuan should be lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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