Chapter 218

Seeing that it was his cousin, Hu Sining opened the door, but unexpectedly, Duan Yixing walked towards Lu Yunyao quickly as soon as the door opened.

While suppressing the anger in his heart, Duan Yixing complained displeasedly: "Why am I here? You haven't explained to me yet, what do you mean by what you said on the phone?"

Because Duan Yixing really called Lu Yunyao too many times, he was afraid that Lu Yunyao would get angry, and in a fit of anger, he would go to a place where he couldn't find him, which would be even more tragic.

Compared with the possibility of not finding Lu Yunyao, Duan Yixing felt that it would be better for him to catch Lu Yunyao himself.

He knew from the phone call with Lu Yunyao that Lu Yunyao would go back to the apartment, so he came here to try his luck, but he didn't expect to be bumped into by him.

Hu Sining who just opened the door didn't have time to say hello to Duan Yixing, but Duan Yixing ignored her, walked past her, and walked towards the sofa with an angry look on his face.

Hearing Duan Yixing's angry tone, Lu Yunyao felt even more unhappy in her heart. She is a human being, not Duan Yixing's toy!
Duan Yixing walked to Lu Yunyao angrily, but Lu Yunyao didn't bother to pay attention to him, as if he didn't exist.

Right now, his mood is even worse. How can a woman look different every day? She was fine at noon, but why did she become like this in the afternoon?
Hu Sining quickly closed the door. After closing the door, she almost thought that no one was in the living room, and it was very quiet.

Hu Sining didn't want to pay attention to Duan Yixing at all, and opened a pack of spicy sticks on his own, and was about to eat, but the spicy sticks were taken away before he put it in his mouth.

When the spicy sticks were snatched away, Lu Yunyao reflexively exclaimed, "Give me back the spicy sticks."

Hu Sining stared blankly at Duan Yixing who snatched the spicy strips, and then saw him quickly throw the spicy strips into the trash can next door, his movements were smooth, as if he had exercised countless times.

Lu Yunyao looked at the piece of Latiao thrown into the trash can, her heart was broken, and then she yelled at Yixing, the murderous Latiao: "Is there something wrong with you? Why did you throw me Latiao?"

Hu Sining was also shocked. Duan Yixing threw away the spicy strips she worked so hard to buy for Lu Yunyao.

It would be fine if Duan Yixing threw one, but Duan Yixing threw away a pack of spicy sticks.

Facing Lu Yunyao's questioning, Duan Yixing took it for granted: "Eat less of these junk foods, it's not good for your health."

After finishing speaking, Duan Yixing also threw another pack of spicy sticks on the coffee table into the trash can by the way, as if he did this often.

Hu Sining was dumbfounded when he saw Duan Yixing throwing away his bag of spicy strips.

"Brother, you threw away my spicy sticks too."

"Really? Then you pick it up and eat it."

After Duan Yixing finished speaking coldly, he took the bag of potato chips that had been opened and put it on the coffee table, and threw it into the trash can without saying a word.

Seeing this situation, Hu Sining rushed over from the door, while Lu Yunyao quickly opened his hands, as if to defend the snacks.

"Don't touch my snacks again. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Hu Sining, who had just galloped over, also followed Lu Yunyao's example, opening his hands and keeping the snacks in his arms.

Duan Yixing looked at the two people who were protecting the snacks in front of him, and couldn't help joking: "Junk food will make people's brains stupid, you are right!"

When Lu Yunyao heard this, she immediately became angry: "Who are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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