Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 224 Why are you here?

Chapter 224 Why are you here?

Compared to Duan Yixing leisurely watching TV at Lu Yunyao's home, Special Assistant Yuan looked more sad.

Duan Yixing spent the whole day on Lu Yunyao's body and hardly touched the documents, so that he, the bodyguard who Lu Yunyao disliked, now has to work overtime in the company to catch up the documents for Duan Yixing.

Originally, he thought that he would have a lot of time to ask Lu Yunyao for an autographed photo, but he never expected that he would be slapped in the face soon.

He is such an outstanding talent, yet Lu Yunyao despises him. How can he get an autographed photo even if he doesn't need to appear by her side in the future...

Speaking of signed photos, Special Assistant Yuan originally planned to send her the game console together, but judging from the current situation, it won't work in a short time.

Yuan Tezhu glanced at the time on his phone, finally he could only sigh lightly, and started working hard again.

After processing these documents, he will go to meet the client for Duan Yixing.

But this client is very interesting, and he can only make appointments at night.

Duan Yixing wants to accompany his wife at night, so this task is given to him.

In the end, Tezhu Yuan gave up the document in his hand, closed the document in displeasure, picked up his coat and went out. The secretary outside the door waited for Tezhu Yuan to get off work so that she could close the door.

Instead of processing documents here to kill time, it is better to go to the appointed place in advance, maybe you can finish the talk earlier and get off work earlier.

Special Assistant Yuan finally walked out of the office with a briefcase, and the long-haired secretary outside the office hurried up to meet her and put on her professional smile and said, "Is Special Assistant Yuan leaving get off work?"


Special Assistant Yuan nodded slightly, and the secretary quickly nodded to express his understanding.

"Goodbye, Assistant Yuan."

Special Assistant Yuan ignored the long-haired secretary behind him with a bright smile, and walked towards the elevator with the document bag.

The long-haired female secretary watched Yuan Tezhu's back as he walked away, and couldn't help but tell the short-haired girl sitting next door: "Yuan Tezhu is so handsome, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Whether you have a girlfriend or not is none of your business, right? After all, you are older than him, and I am different. I am similar to him."

After the short-haired girl finished speaking, she deliberately flicked her hair to reveal her collagen-filled face.

"You also know?!"

The long-haired secretary said without anger: "Maybe he might like someone older than him?"

As soon as the long-haired secretary finished speaking, the short-haired girl suddenly said seriously: "I heard that Yuan Tezhu has a girlfriend, and she's a female college student. What does he think of an old woman like you?"

"Hmph! The older a woman is, the better! What do you know, why don't you pack up and leave work?"

To Yuan Tezhu, the word "off work" made him want to cry when he heard it.

Everyone thought he was off work, but only he knew that he just went to another place to continue working after work.

Don't mention that Duan Yixing will be there for him at any time, let's just say that now, he is obviously off work, but he still has to come to the barbecue restaurant in front of him to meet customers.

Special Assistant Yuan politely approached someone who looked like a staff member and asked, "I'm here to see your boss, Mr. Fang, is he there?"

A male waiter with a sunny complexion replied bluntly, "The boss won't be here until later. What do you want from him? Do you need to leave a phone number or something?"

"That's it! Then I'll wait for him."

"Then you can find a seat by the way! Call me if you want to eat!"

After the sunny-skinned male waiter finished explaining to Yuan Tezhu, he turned around and got busy with his work.

"Okay, thank you!"

Just as Yuan Tezhu turned around and was about to find a place, he suddenly met Mo Miaomiao's eyes.

Mo Miaomiao and Yuan Tezhu suddenly spoke at the same time: "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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