Chapter 228 Calm down
"Huh! It's a good thing that she took it away. What if she suddenly remembered us and came to beat us?"

"I've said it all, let you control your mouth, they look like a couple who have broken up, one is drinking to relieve their worries, and the other is embarrassed and doesn't want to recognize each other."

"You are the best. It seems that next time we should be quieter."

Yuan Tezhu and Mo Miaomiao were already in the carriage, so they had no idea how the aunts outside were discussing them.

Special Assistant Yuan patted Mo Miaomiao on the shoulder, and asked helplessly, "Where is your home?"

In fact, his inner monologue is like this: "Why is it so unlucky to meet her again and be responsible for sending her home? What did he do wrong?"

Fortunately, Mo Miaomiao gave Yuan Tezhu an address in the end.

Otherwise, Special Assistant Yuan really wanted to take Mo Miaomiao to the hotel and arrange a room for her to spend the night.

In the end, Yuan Tezhu helped Mo Miaomiao to her apartment.

As soon as the door of Mo Miaomiao's house was opened, Special Assistant Yuan was about to leave, and he just had to send it to the door.

It is also certain that Mo Miaomiao is very safe at this time.

"I'm leaving."

Yuan Tezhu let go of Mo Miaomiao's hand, but as soon as he let go, Mo Miaomiao seemed to be unable to stand still, so frightened Yuan Tezhu hurriedly supported her again.

So, with the mentality of sending someone to the end, he planned to send Mo Miaomiao to the sofa and leave.

But he never expected that as soon as they entered, Mo Miaomiao closed the door with his backhand and slammed Yuan Te's assistant on the door.

"What are you doing……"

Before Tezhu Yuan finished speaking, his mouth was already gagged.

Being kissed by Mo Miaomiao for the fourth time today, Yuan Tezhu felt that he was not well.

What made him feel even worse was that Mo Miaomiao was suddenly looking for something on him, rather than looking for something, it was better to say he was trying to undo something.

Yuan Tezhu hurriedly pushed Mo Miaomiao away and warned: "Mo Miaomiao! Please pay attention!"

After Yuan Tezhu finished speaking, he quickly turned around and tried to open the door so that he could escape from this terrifying place.

"Don't go! You are not allowed to go anywhere tonight."

Mo Miaomiao grabbed Yuan Tezhu who was just about to escape, but the strength might not be good enough, and the two of them fell to the ground one after another.

Fortunately, there was a carpet, otherwise Tezhu Yuan felt that he must be in pain.

After falling to the ground, Mo Miaomiao was in a sitting posture, which made Yuan Tezhu unable to stand up even if he wanted to.

"Mo Miaomiao, get up! Don't make me drunk!"

When Mo Miaomiao heard the words "drinking crazy", she suddenly went crazy, and quickly untied the belt that belonged to Special Assistant Yuan.

The trousers suddenly changed from tight to loose, and Yuan Tezhu was in a bad mood.

"Mo Miaomiao! Calm down! Don't be impulsive!"

Yuan Tezhu hurriedly reached out to grab his trousers, but Mo Miaomiao, who had been drinking, seemed to be a transformed heroine, extremely powerful.

The heroine, Mo Miaomiao, directly grabbed Yuan Tezhu's wrist with one hand, but Yuan Tezhu was always a man, and after all, he was stronger than Mo Miaomiao.

He quickly broke free from Mo Miaomiao's control, but he could only sit up, but couldn't stand up, because he couldn't drive Mo Miaomiao away.

Sitting Mo Miaomiao suddenly burst into tears: "I can't compare to her? Why did you choose her to give up on me?"

Mo Miaomiao's accusation frightened Yuan Tezhu, and she was stunned for a moment, but because of this reason, Mo Miaomiao was given a chance, and she suddenly pushed Yuan Tezhu away.

Yuan Tezhu, who was so cold that he was pushed, fell to the ground. Even though there was a blanket, the pain was still excruciating.

(End of this chapter)

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