Chapter 240 Stupid and cute?

Unless you are very concerned about that matter, and you can't forget it for a long time, you will keep a little memory for a moment, but it is an innocuous memory, no matter how angry you were at that time, as time goes by, everything will be forgotten.

The biggest advantage of human beings is forgetfulness!
Lu Yunyao tried hard to remember why she hated the editor of "Qing Mian" so much at that time, and even blocked her.

She vaguely remembered that she seemed to be full of hostility towards "Qing Mian" and even the whole company.

At that time, she felt that she had the absolute right to know, but the company dealt with the matter without notifying her. The lawyer and the police helped her find it, and she didn't even need to provide evidence to prove her innocence.

All the measures were done very well, so good that she could feel the goodness of signing a contract with a big company.

It is undeniable that big companies do a good job of public relations.

At that time, she didn't pay much attention to the plagiarism. Looking back now, it turns out that someone deliberately tried to frame her.

Suddenly she was very interested in "A Red Wall". The news around her was all hearsay, and she didn't know whether it was true or not.

So, Lu Yunyao, who was hesitant, finally typed a question on the keyboard: "How much do you know about a red wall?"

After sending Lu Yunyao's question, the person on the other side didn't reply immediately, and even made Lu Yunyao wait for 3 minutes, but "Qingmian" still didn't reply her.

Lu Yunyao, who didn't get a reply, was suddenly a little depressed. She thought that the editor of "Qingmian" would get better, but she was still so indifferent.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Yunyao finally gave up. She deleted their chat box and checked Weibo instead.

She just posted on Weibo, and a private message popped up immediately, and there was a message reminder from someone else Aite.

Lu Yunyao clicked on it, and found that the post she posted yesterday, about clarifying that she was not pregnant, had a lot of people commenting on it.

@赵星_Lu Yunyao: Not pregnant, it's a small belly.Attached JPG.
The most liked comment below turned out to be.

【I'm not cute at all: I can prove that Lu Yunyao is not pregnant. When she got into the elevator and forgot to press the floor yesterday, her belly was flat. 】

Suddenly she felt a group of alpacas running in her heart.

She thought she hadn't been recognized.

Thinking about it now, I feel so embarrassed. The most embarrassing thing is that they still pretended not to know her.

He clearly knew her, but he didn't ask her for an autograph, let alone ask her to take a photo with her.

Could it be that she is like this on the [-]th line?Everyone just treats her as someone she knows, but they never do crazy fan behavior?

Yesterday, the three people in the elevator didn't even ask her about her most recently trending relationship.

Said that she forgot to comment on the floor yesterday, and there were many people leaving comments below.

[Kaikai's mother: Why did I focus on not pressing the floor here?Is she pregnant? Three years of being pregnant?So stupid that I forgot to press the floor. 】

[Miss Katie: My focus is also on the elevator...]

[Big Brother Raincoat: Only my point is, I want to know how many floors Lu Yunyao lives on? 】

[Wretched development: Is it only my focus?My focus is on, where does she live?I plan to wait for her in the elevator and press the elevator for her. 】

[Fish that slipped through the net in quality education: Wow!Am I the only one who thinks Goddess Yaoyao is stupid and cute? 】

[Jiji: Stupid cute is a good word, I like it.Cute.JPG]

When Lu Yunyao saw this comment, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, is she stupid?
(End of this chapter)

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