Chapter 243

【Mumu: What should we do when you leave? 】

【Force can't solve the problem: I'm not willing to leave Mianmianda, don't leave. 】

[Meatball Little Mantou: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

Didn't it mean that the editor of "Qingmian" is an author who likes cold violence?

Why are there still so many people leaving messages, saying that they are not willing to part with her?

An editor who is cold and violent to his subordinate authors should be treated indifferently. Everyone shouldn't leave her a message?

Shouldn't you feel sorry for her?
Is there still room for pleasing an editor who has left?
In theory, of course not!
Lu Yunyao, who was scrolling through the comments, suddenly received an anonymous phone number.

Lu Yunyao, who was still a melon eater, answered the call with a blank expression.

He said tentatively, "Hello?"

Immediately, an electronic voice processed by a voice changer came from the phone: "I have copied all your things. If you want to get it back, prepare a hundred million, or else..."

The other party didn't speak the following words, as if deliberately leaving a trace of suspense for Lu Yunyao.

Hearing the word copy, Lu Yunyao couldn't help but smile, and then said disdainfully: "What else? Do you still want to bite me?"

The person on the other side of the phone seemed not expecting Lu Yunyao to react like this, and said in a somewhat displeased tone: "[-] million, I'll give you three days to prepare."

The more Lu Yunyao listened to it, the more she didn't want to listen anymore. How could she feel that nowadays people can't use some good excuses for phone scams.

It was [-] million at first, and the reason for extortion was that something was copied, but she knew what the other party copied, but she didn't explain clearly.

Tsk tsk tsk. The scam calls are really getting worse and worse. She suggested opening a class and teaching them.

They are all making progress, so there's no reason why scam calls aren't making progress, right?

The phone that just hung up, rang soon after. Lu Yunyao looked helplessly at the screen without caller ID. She should know without guessing. If nothing unexpected happened, she should still be that idiot just now.

Lu Yunyao took a deep breath, and then chose to answer the phone again.

But this time, as soon as the call was answered, an irritable voice came from inside: "How dare you hang up on me? Are you not afraid that I will reveal your secret to the world?"

Lu Yunyao said earnestly and earnestly: "Boss, why don't you go to a training class on fraudulent phone calls? Your acting skills are very poor, and your dialogues are not focused at all. You can lie to the old man for fun, but you are one step short of lying to me. Pacific Ocean."

The person opposite was almost breathless from Lu Yunyao's anger: "I didn't lie to you!"

She was very upset when she saw that the editor of "Qingmian" had left her job just now, so after receiving the scam call, her attitude was not very good.

"Still saying no! Liars always say that they have not lied to others."

"I really didn't lie to you! You have something very important with me! I'll give you three days to prepare."

Before the other party finished speaking, Lu Yunyao interrupted him.

Lu Yunyao had the feeling that a fool can't be taught, and taught the other party: "Didn't I tell you just now? You should focus on the key points, and you don't talk about what is important. How can I know whether it is important to me? You I have to say it before I know whether what you said is important to me! Do you understand?"

Finally, under Lu Yunyao's teaching, the other party finally spoke out the main point.

"All the materials of your novels are with me. If you don't give me [-] million, believe it or not, I'll blow your vest."

Explode her vest?

Now how can you blow someone else's vest and become a reason for blackmail?
she is unheard of
Curious thief.

(End of this chapter)

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