Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 250 Feng Shui takes turns

Chapter 250 Feng Shui takes turns

The consequence of collecting all three warning letters means being fired, how could she not know?

After Bi Yansi finished speaking, he ignored Fei Nanmei's attitude, turned around and left. Angrily, Fei Nanmei picked up the document in his hand and threw it at Bi Yansi at the door.

"Bi Yansi, you bastard!"

But the strength was limited, Fei Nanmei's documents had already landed in mid-air, until Bi Yansi completely disappeared in front of her eyes, without touching a hair of him.

Feinanmei almost collapsed and shouted into the air: "Ah!"

After shouting, she still couldn't get rid of the irritability in her heart. She acted like crazy and swept all the documents on the desk on the ground.

Originally, "Is Mr. Gu in love?" The copyright dispute of "had already broken her down. Bi Yansi took advantage of the issue and directly removed her position, even threatening to send her a warning letter!
This Bi Yansi is really hateful!
She has fought against Bi Yansi for so many years, and she has succeeded almost every time, but at this critical moment, her uncle has even retired!

As Lu Yunyao said, most of her rely on her uncle's help, now that her backer is gone, Bi Yansi will definitely take the opportunity to get rid of her!

Damn Bi Yansi!She will have her revenge!
The other staff outside Fei Nanmei's office, after seeing Fei Nanmei throwing things around like crazy, they all avoided the need to pass by her door.

Everyone couldn't help whispering: "I heard that Sister Nan was dismissed by President Bi."

Passerby A: "Boss Bi and Sister Nan have been rivals since the day they joined the company. Now that Boss Bi has taken the position of acting general manager, he must come to Sister Nan immediately to settle accounts."

Passer-by B: "I can't help it. Why did Sister Nan bully Mr. Bi all the time relying on the fact that the CEO is her uncle?"

Passerby C: "This is the turn of Feng Shui."

The chattering discussions outside the door seemed to be heard by Fei Nanmei, and she angrily pushed all the documents on the desk to the ground.

Lu Yunyao on the other end didn't know what happened to Fei Nanmei at this time. If she knew that Bi Yansi helped her dismiss Fei Nanmei, she would raise her hand in favor.

When Fei Nanmei took the initiative and sold the crew and copyright of "Qing Qing at First Sight", she felt that it was inappropriate, and she felt that Fei Nanmei was too impulsive, which was why she chose Bi Yansi.

The most important reason is that he is Fei Nanmei's deadly enemy.

It took Lu Yunyao a while before she posted a post about clarification.

@赵星_Lu Yunyao: The account was stolen and has been retrieved.

Lu Yunyao only wrote eight simple characters, and did not give any other explanations, fearing that the more she explained, everyone would doubt her.

As soon as Lu Yunyao's post was published, everyone commented frantically.

[Pull your hair: Account stolen?Could it be that the person who posted the comment just now was a hacker? 】

[Give you a hat: No way?It is only at this time that the account has been stolen, I don't believe it! 】

[Marshal Canopy is me: One of the best ways to cover up your vest, amazing!Like.JPG]

[I love Mr. Lu: Maybe the account was really hacked? 】After Lu Yunyao made the clarification, she said what happened just now to account hacking, and a small half of the keyboard warriors believed her words.

But there are many people who don't believe it.

As soon as Lu Yunyao's hacked post was posted, people quickly followed up on it. When Lu Yunyao saw the post, she was frightened and at a loss.

@我是Lu Lu无为: Account hackers are crazy and stole my account.

Looking at the account name, Lu Yunyao was stunned, and it took a while to recover.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching. She blamed hacking just now, and someone came to pretend to be her.

(End of this chapter)

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