Chapter 255 Two Years...

[Ordinary Slender: Artists only get rich when they receive notifications. Lu Yunyao doesn't have any notifications at all. I don't know if it's because I'm ignorant or what. I don't see her on the show very often, and I don't think it's Lu Lu Wuwei. 】

Looking at this comment, Lu Yunyao couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, what does this netizen mean...

Although what she said is correct, can you save her some face...

[Tiger Mom: The upstairs is right!Lu Yunyao has already fallen to the bottom, I thought she changed her career to become an internet celebrity. 】

Internet celebrity...

She is also forced to...

Because she had no reason to announce, Fei Nanmei forced her to start a live broadcast and make short videos.

Fei Nanmei, who was named, didn't know about it at all. She almost threw the entire desk over in anger.

The problem is not from her at all!
Furious, Fei Nanmei picked up the phone and dialed the director's number, and when she got connected, she blurted out: "Su Feng, did you make a mistake! At this time, you get me a brother to come out and make trouble. If you don’t believe me, I will sue you for breaking the contract?”

Hearing Fei Nanmei's angry tone and claiming to sue him, the other party trembled in fright: "Don't... Sister Nan, please don't, I will take care of this matter for you myself."

"You can handle it for me yourself? If you can't handle it, you and your brother are waiting to go bankrupt!"

After Fei Nanmei angrily put down her harsh words, she hung up the phone directly. She was afraid that if she heard Su Feng's voice again, she would go over and beat him up.

Fei Nanmei, who was so angry, suddenly received a call from Lu Yunyao. She was extremely upset, but she restrained herself a little when facing Lu Yunyao.


"Find out the contract you bought with Su Gefeng Studio and take a look. Su Feng and Su Ge had a falling out two years ago. As far as I know, Kaixuan renewed his contract with Su Gefeng. Take a look at the latest contract renewal. How many years ago was the year?"

Lu Yunyao suddenly remembered that Kaixuan would not sell the copyright to death, but would only sell it according to the year. If he intends to cooperate, he needs to continue to sign the contract, and "Is Mr. Gu in love?" The film and television copyright of "had been sold a long time ago, but there were always obstacles, which prevented it from being broadcast smoothly.

After listening to Lu Yunyao's words, Fei Nanmei quickly opened the drawer and took out the contract documents to read.

"The latest signing date is this year, and there are still two years before the validity period."

Hearing this, Lu Yunyao was suddenly in a bad mood. Fei Nanmei actually helped her sell her film and television copyright for [-] million for two years...

two years...

She suddenly felt that she was going to faint. If "Qing Qing at First Sight" could not be aired smoothly, she would really lose all her money and post it upside down.

Fei Nanmei asked belatedly: "These copyrights are not permanent?"

"No, Kaixuan rarely sells out. Kaixuan sold the copyright to Su Gefeng for three years, but Su Fengfeng sold his legal filming rights to us. In theory, it is not possible, but in fact it is possible, but we disguised it. It’s just for Kaixuan to take an extra share of the pie.”

Fei Nanmei tried to understand Lu Yunyao's words: "Because the Sugefeng studio is now ours? So it is legal to use the copyright he bought?"

"Hmm! That's what it means! As long as you renew your contract with Kaixuan after three years, or sell it out, you can continue to use this film and television copyright."

Fei Nanmei suddenly focused on the previous sentence, and said in shock: "In other words, do we need to share a share with Kaixuan?"

"That's right! Who told you that you didn't see it clearly at the beginning, or waited for two more years, and directly sold off the copyright to Kaixuan for [-] million..."

(End of this chapter)

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