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Chapter 258 I don't want to eat this dog food!

Chapter 258 I don't want to eat this dog food!
There is only one reason for a girl to suddenly change her ideals, and that must have something to do with love.

"Or who do you like?"

After hearing what Lu Yunyao said, Hu Sining couldn't help but blushed.

Lu Yunyao looked at the shy Hu Sining, no need to ask, her guess must be right!

Lu Yunyao suddenly became curious: "Did you like that artist?"

Hu Sining suddenly wanted to enter the entertainment circle, and there was only one answer, the person she liked could be an artist, or someone in the entertainment circle.

Facing Lu Yunyao's direct question, Hu Sining suddenly said embarrassedly: "Secret!"

But he was quickly defeated by reality, because what Lu Yunyao said next made Hu Sining feel like a bolt from the blue.

"But your mother won't let you enter the entertainment circle, you should die!"

Which mother would want her daughter to be talked about?Are you scolded every day, or restricted by others?

Even going to the supermarket to buy something, or going shopping with friends, can be a big fuss.

Hu Sining said with a wry smile: "So I don't plan to tell my mother!"

Lu Yunyao tried to use her own experience to tell Hu Sining that the entertainment industry is not that easy, nor is everything going smoothly.

"You see that I'm being hacked every day, and you want to enter the entertainment circle? Even after so many years, you're still an [-]th-tier artist?"

Unexpectedly, Hu Sining was not frightened by what Lu Yunyao said, but turned Lu Yunyao back: "I am not afraid! Because I will definitely not hide my identity like you."

The reason why Lu Yunyao was so poor... Apart from not having superb acting skills, she also didn't expose her family background. If she was willing to use her own resources to praise herself, she wouldn't be in the current situation.

Faced with Hu Sining's resentment, Lu Yunyao suddenly had a different opinion.

"Sometimes, it's better to keep a low profile, so that you can see clearly who is your friend."

When Duan Yixing used Hu Sining's computer to handle some urgent business, he found that Lu Yunyao was actually in Hu Sining's room and was eating potato chips, so he couldn't help closing the laptop with a "snap".

When Duan Yixing approached, he happened to hear Lu Yunyao's last words, so he quickly agreed.

"Your cousin and I were also quite low-key when we were studying, so we also met some friends."

After expressing his approval, Duan Yixing snatched the potato chips from Lu Yunyao's hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "Junk food, it's better to eat less!"

Lu Yunyao stared dumbfounded at the potato chips that Duan Yixing snatched, and suddenly turned the potato chips that she just wanted to put in her mouth, and sent them to Duan Yixing's mouth: "Hey, I'll give you the last one."

Duan Yixing looked at the potato chips that Lu Yunyao handed over with a look of disgust, and showed great resistance: "I don't want it!"

Lu Yunyao seemed to have made up her mind that Duan Yixing must eat the potato chips in her hand.

"Just one piece, eat it!"

"This thing is unhealthy, throw it away?"

"You are unhealthy, don't throw it away!"

Duan Yixing tried to grab the piece of potato chips from Lu Yunyao's hand, but Lu Yunyao refused to let it go, so the two of them suddenly played a game of grabbing potato chips, watching Hu Sining call out: "I don't want to eat this dog food !"

Because in the end, Lu Yunyao personally fed the potato chips into Duan Yixing's mouth, and the most amazing thing was that Duan Yixing didn't spit it out, and even chewed it a few times before swallowing it.


Hu Sining was so shocked that he couldn't speak, Duan Yixing even ate his most hated potato chips.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a bottom line for a man in love.

(End of this chapter)

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