Chapter 263 Sleep
After Lu Yunyao sent Hu Sining away, she planned to send Duan Yixing away too, but Duan Yixing had already started to prepare lunch.

Looking at the delicious lunch, Lu Yunyao suddenly felt that it would be nice to have someone at home to cook.

During meal time, Duan Yixing was working hard on what he said not long ago, with the aim of fattening Lu Yunyao.

In the end, Lu Yunyao sat on the sofa with her stomach in her hands, and lazily said, "I'm so full!"

Duan Yixing had just finished washing the dishes and walked out of the kitchen when he heard Lu Yunyao talking to himself.

"Just eat a little and say you're full, aren't you afraid of being laughed at when you say it?"

Lu Yunyao leaned back on the sofa, watched TV, recently hit TV dramas, asked nonsensical questions and answered: "If you don't believe me, come and touch it, it's really full."

When Duan Yixing heard Lu Yunyao's invitation, he hurried over and hugged Lu Yunyao without saying a word.

Lu Yunyao, who was still concentrating on watching TV, was suddenly picked up by someone, and she was a little frightened.

Lu Yunyao patted Duan Yixing's arm lightly, signaling him to put her down, she wanted to continue watching the TV series.

"What! Let me down quickly."

Duan Yixing hugged Lu Yunyao and walked towards the bedroom, but he explained in this way: "Since you are so full, let's do some exercise."

With a bulging belly, Lu Yunyao was a little reluctant: "I don't want to do sports!"

After Lu Yunyao was put on the bed, Duan Yixing said leisurely: "You don't need to exercise, don't worry."

Lu Yunyao looked at Duan Yixing for a moment before realizing it, and then said with disgust on her face, "It's broad daylight, so it's not serious."

Facing Lu Yunyao's disgust, Duan Yixing showed a smile, took the quilt, covered them all, then hugged Lu Yunyao's stomach and whispered: "Go to sleep! I will take you somewhere tonight."

When Lu Yunyao touched the soft bed, she immediately felt drowsy.

"I warn you! No petty tricks."

"Well, go to sleep."

Ever since, Duan Yixing and Lu Yunyao fell asleep quietly in the bedroom, enjoying this leisurely nap time.

Compared with the harmony between Duan Yixing and Lu Yunyao, Mo Miaomiao on the other end is not so good.

Originally, she had asked for leave, so she should be able to rest at home, but she was so tired, she fell asleep directly after breakfast, but unexpectedly fell asleep until someone rang the doorbell, and she could only drag her tired body Go out and open the door.

But I didn't expect that the person who came was Yuan Tezhu. Yuan Tezhu took the takeaway and signaled to Mo Miaomiao, "I think you don't have time to cook. I bought you dinner."

Hearing the word dinner, Mo Miaomiao suddenly felt like her brain froze. She only slept for a while. Why is it night so soon?

It seemed that she was really sleepy, and she slept for so long.

Special Assistant Yuan looked at Mo Miaomiao's sleepy face, and asked with some concern, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Mo Miaomiao replied, then turned and left: "No, maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

He does not mean that.

Yuan Tezhu subconsciously thought of what happened last night, and two red clouds could not help but float across his face.

He carried the takeaway, closed the door, followed Mo Miaomiao's pace, and walked inside.

Mo Miaomiao went directly to the dining table, sat obediently on the chair, and waited for Special Assistant Yuan to bring it out. She planned to eat and then go to sleep.

Special assistant Yuan put the takeaway bag on the dining table, then took out the lunch boxes inside one by one, and placed them in front of Mo Miaomiao.

(End of this chapter)

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