Chapter 282 Adult World

Special assistant Yuan pulled Mo Miaomiao, who had just approached him, into his arms, and hugged him, as if through hugging, he could feel the warmth.

The empty, lonely and cold heart gradually disappeared.

When Mo Miaomiao approached Yuan Tezhu, he found that tears were hanging on his face again. He was a little surprised at the moment, and subconsciously thought that he had a bad temper, so he scolded Yuan Tezhu and cried.

But Yuan Tezhu is a boy, why is he always crying?
If people saw it, they would think she was bullying him!
The little boy is really a little boy, always crying!

Mo Miaomiao couldn't help but think of, his younger brother who was always crying before, he was a crying little boy.

Yuan Tezhu didn't know why, but Mo Miaomiao's hug seemed to have a purifying function, purifying the pain in his heart.

This time, Mo Miaomiao did not refuse Yuan Tezhu's hug, even though she was on the street, she let him hug her.

After all, compared to Yuan Tezhu crying on the street, she felt that being hugged on the street was more humiliating.

Yuan Tezhu hugged Mo Miaomiao quietly and didn't say a word, just like this on the street with people coming and going, Mo Miaomiao's legs were a little sore, and he couldn't help but said: "How long are you going to hug? "

Yuan Tezhu didn't make a sound, and hugged Mo Miaomiao even tighter, making Mo Miaomiao a little out of breath for a moment.

"You're strangling me."

As soon as Mo Miaomiao said this, Yuan Tezhu quickly let go of her, and Mo Miaomiao, who was let go, instantly felt that her breathing became much easier.

But Special Assistant Yuan still didn't speak, just stared at her seriously, making Mo Miaomiao feel numb.

In order to avoid Tezhu Yuan's eye contact, Mo Miaomiao quickly lowered her head, took out a pack of tissues in her pocket, opened it, and naturally took out a piece of clean toilet paper to wipe Tezhu Yuan's face those tears.

While wiping, Mo Miaomiao chattered: "You say you, a big man, and cry when you say a few words, are you not afraid of being laughed at?"

Yuan Tezhu let Mo Miaomiao wipe the tears off his face, still staring at her affectionately.

Mo Miaomiao knew that Tezhu Yuan had been staring at her, so she deliberately avoided meeting Yuan Tezhu's gaze.

After Mo Miaomiao wiped away all the tears on Yuan Tezhu's face, Yuan Tezhu said aggrievedly: "Don't you want me?"

Yuan Tezhu's questioning words instantly pissed Mo Miaomiao to death.

What's their relationship?
Can't even talk about wanting it or not?

So, Mo Miaomiao quickly refused: "Stop it, with our relationship, we can't even be considered friends, let alone the question of whether we want it or not."

Special assistant Yuan didn't finish speaking, but just watched Mo Miaomiao very quietly.

The quietness of Special Assistant Yuan made Mo Miaomiao even more anxious to explain: "Beforehand, in the world of adults, such things are very common. Don't follow me to the responsible drama of the TV series. You don't have to be responsible in real life!"

Why did Mo Miaomiao say that suddenly? Because she suddenly remembered that Yuan Tezhu once said to make her responsible, so she began to worry about this child, thinking too much with simple thoughts.

What's more, she can't be responsible to him, let alone be responsible to him.

Whether it is society or herself, she can't be with a younger person.

"But, we've..."

Yuan Tezhu just wanted to refute, but was quickly interrupted by Mo Miaomiao: "You are still young, and you don't understand the games in the adult world. You will understand in two years."

(End of this chapter)

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