Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 288 To put it bluntly, I just haven't played enough!

Chapter 288 To put it bluntly, I just haven't played enough!

Mo Miaomiao heard Yuan Tezhu kept using the words she had said before to scold her, and immediately couldn't help but rebelliously said: "Yes! Today I can be with you, and tomorrow I can be with other people!"

After hearing this, Yuan Tezhu didn't get angry, but said very calmly: "So that's the case, I understand."

Yuan Tezhu's reaction made Mo Miaomiao feel strange, but before she finished wondering, Yuan Tezhu's words suddenly rang in her ears, scaring her so much that she dared not speak.

"Tell me, if I tell them that your old cow eats young grass, what do you think everyone will think?"

Special assistant Yuan knew that Mo Miaomiao was very concerned about the issue of age, especially since she was older than him.

After Yuan Tezhu's words fell, Mo Miaomiao immediately turned pale, as if frightened.

She must not let others know about this!
Mo Miaomiao said coldly: "Make a condition! The kind that can make you shut up!"

In fact, Mo Miaomiao's subtext is that it is best for Yuan Tezhu to offer her a price, a price that can make him shut up.

Special Assistant Yuan stared at Mo Miaomiao quietly, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly, "I want you, can you give it?"

When Mo Miaomiao heard this, her heart almost skipped a few beats.

She never expected that Special Assistant Yuan would make such a condition.

Suddenly a vague memory came to her mind, she vaguely remembered that she once said that she wanted Yuan Tezhu to be her boyfriend, but Yuan Tezhu refused!
Since Special Assistant Yuan wants her, but doesn't want to be her boyfriend, what is their relationship?
Could it be an underground lover?The one that can't see the light?
As soon as Mo Miaomiao's thoughts drifted away, Yuan Tezhu's unhurried words came from his ears: "Didn't you ask me to practice skills before? Do you remember the three-month agreement? My condition is three months. Confinement bed...companion."

Yuan Tezhu spoke the last two words very slowly, and even dragged the end sound for a long time, which made it difficult for Mo Miaomiao not to pay attention to these two words.

A three-month bed...companion, the same as the underground lover relationship she had just thought of.

Mo Miaomiao was a little astonished. He didn't respond to Special Assistant Yuan's request for a long time, which made Special Assistant Yuan a little unhappy. He deliberately increased the intensity, so that Mo Miaomiao, who was wandering in space, blurted out a few notes that could help ignite the atmosphere.

Mo Miaomiao, who was forced to recover, looked up at Tezhu Yuan and saw the displeasure on his face.

She knew that she seemed to have messed with someone she shouldn't have messed with, but if it didn't happen, it had already happened, and there seemed to be no chance of turning back.

There is no medicine for regret in this world. It is the best choice to make mistakes again and again.

But what she didn't understand was why Tezhu Yuan chose to waste time on her?

Suddenly, Mo Miaomiao stared at Special Assistant Yuan, and said seriously: "Do you know why you want me? That's because you haven't tried other girls. If you try, you will find that I am an old woman. It's not worth your time at all."

After Mo Miaomiao finished speaking, she vaguely felt a bitterness running through her heart. In this world, no matter how old a man is, he will always like young and beautiful girls.

As for her, she dated her boyfriend for the purpose of getting married, but ended up in the position of being cheated and broken up.

When they broke up, when they quarreled, he showed that he was a man, a man with needs!

What a man in need!

Suddenly she was a little thankful that she did not do what he wished.

Because they dated for three full years and she was already 26 years old, he still used his busy career as an excuse to refuse to marry her.

To put it bluntly, I just haven't played enough!

(End of this chapter)

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