Chapter 297 Suspicious Box

Ever since, Lu Yunyao carefully added the soup to the noodles, and couldn't wait to stand in the kitchen and start eating happily.

Lu Yunyao, who had just finished eating the noodles, suddenly heard the doorbell ring. Lu Yunyao opened the door without even thinking about it. A young man in a courier uniform came into view.

The courier held the notebook in his hand, deliberately pressed down his hat before speaking: "Excuse me, are you Ms. Lu Yunyao? Here is your courier, please sign for it."

After the courier brother finished speaking, he deliberately turned sideways to show Lu Yunyao the box behind him.

Judging by the size of the box, it should be a TV?Or a refrigerator?

Because the box was quite big, Lu Yunyao was very curious about it.

"Who sent it? What's in the box?"

The courier brother seemed to know that she would ask this question, so he answered very quickly.

"The sender is a customer surnamed Duan. As for what's in the box, since we can't open it privately, we don't know. We are only responsible for delivery."

Lu Yunyao naturally thought of Duan Yixing, because among the people she knew, only Duan Yixing's surname was Duan.

Because it might be due to the surname Duan, Lu Yunyao let go of her worries and agreed to receive the package.

But the box was quite big, and Lu Yunyao couldn't move it into the house by herself, so she asked the courier for help.

Lu Yunyao took the pen handed over by the courier brother, and signed at the place where the sign was received, and at the same time asked embarrassingly: "I don't know the two of you, can you help move in?"

One of the courier brothers had been standing by the box. When he heard Lu Yunyao's request, he subconsciously looked at the courier brother standing in front of her, as if he was asking for his opinion.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yunyao subconsciously thought that they did not provide this service, so she hurriedly asked again.

Lu Yunyao clasped his hands together, and said sincerely: "Two little brothers, please do me a favor, I can't move it by myself."

In such a big box, the earth can fit her in it, so how could she move it?
Do you want to use the push method?

She only pushed the ground if the box was not heavy.

The courier brother agreed to Lu Yunyao's request.

"Well, yes."

After getting the consent, Lu Yunyao immediately stepped aside happily, and tried to make room for the courier brother to move the box into the house.

Two courier boys wearing peaked caps lowered their heads and helped Lu Yunyao move the box into her house.

The courier boy who took the book for her to sign before asked, "Where do you put it?"

Lu Yunyao walked forward while directing, for fear that the couriers would not know the way.

"Just put it next to the wall over there!"

Lu Yunyao didn't take two steps, when suddenly her neck hurt, and then her eyes went dark, and she fell down powerlessly.

The courier brother hurriedly supported Lu Yunyao before she fell down.

Another courier brother quickly opened the box, which was empty.

After the two looked at each other, they put the dizzy Lu Yunyao into the box.

When they left, the security guard in the lobby downstairs looked at the courier boy and moved the box away. He was very curious and couldn't help asking.

"Didn't you just say you were going to send it to room 1503? Is there no one at home?"

The courier brother nodded and said, "Well, no one has received the goods, so we have to take them back."

The security guard heard that there was no one in room 1503, so he didn't care much, and waved them away.

"In that case, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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