Chapter 46

Me: "I also planned to stop for a while after finishing the book in hand."

Smoothie Melon: "Come to my company when the time comes! Although we are just starting out, I will give you the best treatment."

Me: "I know that Shasha is the best for me."

Lu Yunyao closed the chat box with "Shabing Melon" and suddenly fell into deep thought.

Really, as "Sandy Melon" said, if she stayed in Kaixuan, the retribution she suffered might be more severe.

"Qingmian" whitewashed her without her consent, obviously trying to sow hatred.

Originally, it was explained that the company would not find a lawyer for her, but she found a lawyer for her privately without her consent. She didn't tell her anything about it, as if it was her business and she could solve it by herself.

But she was the one who plagiarized, so her consent should be obtained, right?
Evidence also asked her to take the most authentic one?

Everything in the world seems to have nothing to do with her, but the actions of "Qingmian" vaguely angered many low-key demons in the dark, and pushed her to the cusp of the storm, even to the brink of danger.

Lu Yunyao, who always felt that something was wrong, deliberately went to look at the plagiarism comparison charts.

Don't look, Lu Yunyao really doesn't know that plagiarism is defined in this way.

In her opinion, it just happened to be some daily plot, and the dialogue and plot in it happened to be similar.

Normal people do this, so the author is nothing special.

Where the two articles were said to be plagiarized, it was said to be a similar problem.

【Durian Biscuit: Look!Here, the action of holding a water glass is the same!And said no plagiarism! 】

[Mother-in-law: And here, the hero promised to the heroine that he would take her to eat cotton candy. 】

[Curved little bridge: The necklaces worn by the two heroines are all diamond butterflies. 】

In her superficial cognition of Lu Yunyao, the words used in almost the same plot and dialogue are regarded as plagiarism.

After all, we all live the same life, read the same books, eat the same meals, and even work the same classes.

It never occurred to her that the same stalk was also plagiarized and said that the characters are all similar. It seems that she has increased her knowledge.

Memes in the online literature circle come and go almost the same. The important thing is not to see if they are the same meme, but to see how the author writes the meme well. That is the test of an author.

Good-looking skins are the same, but unexpected content is rare.

Lu Yunyao looked at the comparison pictures that everyone made for her, and was suddenly stunned. The plot of the novel with a red wall is almost exactly the same as hers, but the order of appearance is different, and the settings of the male lead are also similar. .

The most amazing thing is that not to mention the male lead, even the heroine's family background is similar.

Seeing that even the breeds of the pets were the same, Lu Yunyao suddenly felt messy in the wind,

She was really copied
Such a bloody plot...all of them are copied from such unfamiliar writing?

This "Is Mr. Gu in love?" is her first novel.

In the first novel, the writing style and plot are usually immature, and there are even some problems with the plot in some places, but the other party actually copied it directly and improved it a bit.

I used to watch others being plagiarized and be a melon eater, but I never thought that this kind of melon would still fall on her head.
She thought that since she was not very famous, she should not be plagiarized, but she never thought that her thought was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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