Chapter 562 [Xingshi asks the crime 6]

Since there is no end to death, then if one party dies, it will be a rest. He doesn't mind taking effort to deal with a monster, even if it is an ancient beast?

Uncle Ten Huang is arrogant, but he has the capital to be arrogant, doesn't he?
Baili Rongzhen searched around but couldn't find it. Baili Rongzhen's anger not only didn't subside, but became even more intense.She had to vent, vent.Being angry is not good, it hurts the body, sad, in order not to hurt the body, the only way is to hurt the white tiger.

Uncle Ten Emperor followed Baili Rongzhen unhurriedly all the time. Seeing that Baili Rongzhen couldn't find the white tiger at all, he turned his head away, feeling a little helpless.

It's just a cover-up, and you can't see through it. Baili Rongzhen, the ten emperor's uncle, is really worried.

Uncle Shihuang walked up to Baili Rongzhen with strides, took off a yellow leaf from Baili Rongzhen's head, and said lightly, "Little thing, didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to refine the Huanyan Pill?"
"Tomorrow we will leave the imperial mausoleum, how about you practice well today?".

Baili Rongzhen didn't understand, so she looked at Uncle Shi Huang. She didn't say that she wanted to make elixir, such as Huanyan elixir, she had a lot of elixir in her pharmacy, and this kind of elixir sold well, especially those ladies and wives from aristocratic families.Simply their favourite.

It has the effect of beautifying and phantom skin, and makes the skin like snow.Women's money is the best to earn, so Baili Rongzhen practiced Huanyan Pill the most when refining the elixir.

Uncle Ten Emperor looked back at Baili Rongzhen with a half-smile.He looked straight at the medicine field in front of him.

Baili Rongzhen followed Uncle Ten Emperor's eyes to look over, and her eyes fell on a thousand-year-old medicinal herb.At first glance, the herbs are the same, but upon closer inspection, there are differences. Although the leaves are close, they are not.

There is a bit of red in the green bushes that is an eyesore.

In an instant, Baili Rongzhen understood the ten emperor's uncle's intentions, and a sly smile just like the ten emperor's uncle flashed across her eyes.We really stayed together, and we looked more and more alike in every way.The character and the degree of black belly are almost the same.No wonder some couples say this.

"Okay, go here and pick some medicinal materials to make alchemy",
The white tiger is suffering in his heart, it has just become a medicinal herb, and he still has to worry about it, praying in his heart, don't be it, don't be it.

The medicinal materials of Huanyan Pill are just a few flavors, very simple.

At that time, when he transformed into medicinal materials, he didn't pay attention to what medicinal materials he transformed into. He just transformed according to the shape of a medicinal material at will.

It was still praying in its heart, and at that moment, a black shadow hit it.

"Can't see me, can't see me, not me, not me", it said silently in its heart.

Baili Rongzhen looked at the medicinal material transformed by Baihu with a half-smile, her tone and expression on her face were completely different, "Just this one, it's quite big, it's estimated to be 1000 years old, and this medicinal material has been cultivated to rejuvenate the skin." Dan, it is estimated to be bought and sold",
Baili Rongzhen was talking to herself there alone.But it was too late to see all her movements.

Baihu was still comforting himself in his heart, saying it wasn't it, it must not be it, how could it be so unlucky to be chosen.

Uncle Ten Emperor stood by the medicine field, his eyes flashed brightly, this white tiger, really, has become an ostrich, without the majesty of an ancient beast.However, if you follow an unscrupulous master, you will be infected if you are heartless, just like Baili Rongzhen's stupidity, Baihu has simply learned the essence.


(End of this chapter)

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