Chapter 567 [Over the Sea 3]

Ask Baili Rongzhen to throw him the treasure map, and he starts to study it.Preparing for a rainy day has always been something Uncle Shihuang likes to do.

Baili Rongzhen chose the medicinal materials, glanced at the ten emperor uncle who bowed his head, and went into the pharmacy without saying anything.Her purpose is very clear, it is for Bai Hu, Bai Hu does not care about her safety, she is not a cold-blooded person, so she can feel it naturally.

So she has to do one thing for Baihu, something she can't do now, but hard work will have results.

As soon as Baili Rongzhen entered the alchemy shop, she began to make alchemy.

She wanted to practice something like the marrow washing pill. After the white tiger ate it, the white hair would grow back, and he would be as handsome as before.

Baili Rongzhen understands Baihu's temperament. Although she is always upright in front of her, but looking back, the ancient beast, as long as the word "ancient" is attached, it is on the same level as a god.

It's not hard to imagine why Baihu has such a temper.

But what about the white tiger at this time?Not to mention that Baihu himself is uncomfortable, even Baili Rongzhen feels uncomfortable and distressed when he sees it, but these are all for her, how can she not be moved.

Even a heart made of ice should be melted.

Baili Rongzhen entered the alchemy room and began to process the medicinal materials.

Then there is alchemy.

One failure after another, one retry after another.Those picked herbs are simply not enough.

If it succeeds a few times, the amount is enough, but the key is to keep failing, and she went to the medicine field to collect medicinal materials several times on the way.When they came out, Ten Emperor Uncles would go up to meet her and give Baili Rongzhen something to eat.

Then she was seen diving headfirst into the elixir.

In fact, if another person practiced this kind of elixir, for example, Uncle Shihuang, he would take much less detours than Baili Rongzhen, because Uncle Shihuang had a lot of experience.

It's not that Uncle Shi Huang is unwilling to help, but that some things must be done by himself, and others cannot do it for him.

It wasn't until dark that Baili Rongzhen came out of the pharmacy with a tired face, but her eyes were much brighter than when she went in.

"Jane, your eyes"

It was only then that Baili Rongzhen felt that her eyes were trembling, she might have been staring at the flames and felt pain.

"It's okay, just rest for a while."
"Let's send this elixir to Baihu"

"Do you really want to send it yourself?"

Uncle Ten Huang asked Baili Rongzhen back. She looked down at the elixir in her hand and hesitated.

I'm afraid Baihu doesn't want others to see Baihu's current appearance, but what's the use of Baihu's elixir if he doesn't see it.

Baili Rongzhen thought hard for a while before making a decision.He put the pill bottle on the stone beside him, and then looked up at Ten Emperor Uncle.

"Come on, let's go out",
Uncle Shihuang nodded, and they went out of the inner space. After coming out of the inner space, Baili Rongzhen told Baihu with his mind, without saying what the effect of the elixir was, and forcefully asked Baihu to eat the elixir.

This was the first time that Baili Rongzhen ordered Baihu in the tone of the master, and Baihu could not violate it, this was the effect of the contract.

However, Baili Rongzhen had never used this method, and this was the first time.

When Bai Hu came to the elixir room and saw the elixir bottle, he felt uncomfortable.

His master, even thousands of years ago, did not order him in such a tone, but today...
Baihu still swallowed the elixir, and in an instant, his whole body was still hot,

(End of this chapter)

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