Chapter 569 [Over the Sea 5]

Two days later, Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen left the imperial mausoleum, and they were already on the East Sea.

They followed the route of the treasure map and came to the East China Sea.

Donghai, the name of a city.There is a body of water here.On the map, Baili Rongzhen and Uncle Shihuang were going to cross this water area.

Looking at the boundless river, Shi Huangshu and Baili Rongzhen stood on the bank, watching the ripples in the water caused by the frivolous breeze.

In this ancient time, there was no such thing as the sea, but the name of their city obviously already had consciousness.Baili Rongzhen didn't know what was going on, she was sure at first sight that this was not a river, nor a lake, but the sea.The boundless sea.

If you want to cross this sea, you need a boat.

But can the current ship cope with the changing weather on the sea?There are still many unknowns.

Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen stayed at the inn in the East China Sea, and Uncle Shihuang had asked his men to inquire about going to sea.

It is not difficult to go to sea, because the people of the East China Sea rely on going to sea for a living, so it is not impossible to find an experienced sailor.

When Baili Rongzhen and Uncle Shihuang had dinner at the inn, Yiying appeared in front of them with a man.

"Master, this is Weihai,"

"See Master",
Uncle Shihuang glanced at the man with the square face indifferently. "Are you a sailor?"

"Back to the master, he is so young that generations have lived in this water area, as long as he is a man from the Wei family, he is capable of water."
"Well, you go get ready and go to sea in three days",
"Yes, master",
Then the man backed out respectfully, leaving behind a shadow to report something to Uncle Shihuang.Including the information about this Weihai person, down to the previous generations of his family.

This Weihai, Ten Emperor Uncle is also very satisfied.But in the sea, unpredictable, it is better to be careful.Uncle Ten Huang asked Yiying to follow Weihai for three days, and if there was nothing unusual, he set sail on the fifth day.

Yiying didn't say anything, and followed what Uncle Ten Huang said.

They will not question any of the ten emperor's uncle's words, and the ten emperor's uncle is the god in their hearts.

As expected, Yiying followed Uncle Shihuang's order and followed Weihai for three days. He would thoroughly understand everyone he came into contact with, and they would only use him if he was really sure that there was no problem with this person.

That could be related to the safety of many people.

On the third day, that Weihai packed his bags and followed Yiying to the inn where Uncle Ten Emperors stayed.

Then Uncle Ten Huang asked Na Weihai to stay at the inn for two days, and on the fifth day, they really set off.

In addition to the ten emperor uncles, there are also some ten emperor uncles' dark guards and bright guards. There are a total of more than a dozen people in the group.

Starting from the pier, they headed for unknown waters, an island to be exact.The East China Sea is several thousand nautical miles away, and it is estimated that it will take one month to reach it.

In this way, Baili Rongzhen and Uncle Ten Huang lived on the boat for a full month.Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen are easy-going people, even on such a ship, they can live comfortably.Baili Rongzhen spends most of her time practicing and researching elixirs.

Uncle Shihuang is very casual, playing the piano on the boat, or quietly accompanying Baili Rongzhen, reading a book.

As long as you are with Baili Rongzhen, it doesn't matter what kind of uncle you are, you will find it interesting.Sometimes it's not what you're interested in doing, but who you're with.

(End of this chapter)

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