Chapter 575 [Baili Rongzhen's Strength 3]

There are no outsiders here, Baili Rongzhen summoned the white tiger from the inner space.When the hidden guard at the side saw Baili Rongzhen's contracted beast, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

But soon they all accepted, there is a powerful master, how could his princess be a mortal?
The ten emperor's uncle's contracted beasts were the four ancient fierce beasts, and the princess's contracted beasts were definitely not bad either.With this knowledge, they are not surprised that the ancient mythical beast Baihu is Baili Rongzhen's contract beast.

Baihu stood beside Baili Rongzhen, turned around a few times, then came back and sniffed Baili Rongzhen.

Even if the white tiger can transform into a human form now, it still cannot change the fact that it is a monster. Even a noble ancient beast is still a monster.

"Master, I understand, this ecstasy array has your breath",
"My breath?"

On the side, Uncle Ten Huang frowned. He had a bold idea. Could it be that this enchantment was set by Baili Rongzhen himself?Now she has no memory, let alone her previous life, and she doesn't have the power to destroy the world, so naturally she can't remember that this is the ecstasy array she set up by herself.

An ecstasy array, Uncle Ten Huang couldn't untie it.How powerful would his Zhen'er be if he returned to his prime?Uncle Ten Huang couldn't imagine it.

She got a positive answer from Baihu, but Baili Rongzhen was still at a loss and couldn't remember at all, let alone this, she couldn't even remember the things that happened in the imperial tomb and the ten emperor uncles.

But Baili Rongzhen didn't deny that it had something to do with her, because after entering this place, she felt panicky in her heart, a feeling that zombies would not have at all.

She wanted to escape more and more.

"Master, try with your blood",
Uncle Ten Huang looked straight at Baihu, his eyes were extremely sharp.Bai Hu's eyes flashed, it seemed that he really couldn't hide anything from Uncle Ten.But the ecstasy array is not as simple as it is familiar with, this is the ecstasy array set up by her master.How can it not know the master's ability.

It's just that it sensed Baili Rongzhen's nervousness and panic, so it was ambiguous.

Without further ado, Baili Rongzhen actually bit her own finger, and the blood dripped on the ground and spread rapidly. In an instant, the surrounding scene began to change suddenly.Three days of big trees, the island has obviously been deserted for a long time.Weeds are overgrown everywhere, as tall as a person.

This is what an island should look like.

Sure enough, Baili Rongzhen's blood could break the formation, but this made Baili Rongzhen even more flustered.

This is a mystery in her body, the deeper she goes, the more flustered she becomes, she is afraid, she is afraid that if the mystery is finally solved, her current life will undergo earth-shaking changes, and what she is most afraid of is losing the tenth emperor uncle.

"Zhen'er, let's spend the night here, are you on your way tomorrow?"

"it is good",
In this barren land, with countless unknown dangers, Uncle Ten Huang directly sacrificed the demon refining pot, and the group of people entered the space of the demon refining pot to rest.

But when Uncle Ten Huang sacrificed the demon refining pot, the demon refining pot came out, but there was no reaction.

"Master, it's useless",
"Since the master has set up confinement here, all magic tools can be used, including weapons,"

Uncle Ten Huang put away the demon refining pot, and said in a low voice, "Is this a different space?"

Baihu nodded. It looks like this is an island in the sea, but it is actually a different space.

(End of this chapter)

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