Report that the queen concubine has secretly left the palace again

Chapter 581 [One person's battlefield 1]

Chapter 581 [One Person's Battlefield 5]

The night was finally quiet, and Uncle Ten Emperor's men set up two tents again, and they had a peaceful sleep.

On the second day, after three poles in the sun, Bai Rongzhen woke up in the arms of the Ten Emperor's Uncle, but she didn't want to move, she lay in the Ten Emperor's Uncle's arms and refused to get up.

It was rare for Baili Rongzhen to have such a hypocritical side, so naturally Uncle Shi Huang would not say anything.On the contrary, he likes Baili Rongzhen like this very much.Even willing to look not old, time does not pass away.

Until Baili Rongzhen's stomach growled, she still didn't want to move.

But Uncle Shi Huang couldn't let Baili Rongzhen go on like this, he was the one who felt sorry for him when he was hungry.

"Zhen'er, it's time to eat",
Baili Rongzhen woke up with her eyes closed and didn't want to move. Even if Uncle Shi Huang said Baili Rongzhen didn't pay attention. She was a little tired. It wasn't the tiredness that could be relieved by sleeping, but the feeling of living on the edge of a sword. tiredness.

Uncle Ten Huang naturally knew that Baili Rongzhen was awake, seeing that she still didn't move, he was a bit rascal.

After walking with Baili Rongzhen for another quarter of an hour, Uncle Ten Huang saw that Baili Rongzhen was still silent.Take a breath.

It's rare for his Zhen'er to act coquettishly, but the ten imperial uncles are so soft together, it's a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately, Uncle Shihuang has always had a habit of setting up barriers when he was with Baili Rongzhen, so not many people saw that Uncle Shihuang was defeated.

Uncle Ten Huang really had no choice. Seeing that it was almost noon, the grueling little zombie groaned more than once, and every time it was a reminder to Uncle Ten Huang.He had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and get up, put on clothes for Baili Rongzhen, and he was already very skilled at serving Baili Rongzhen's Ten Emperor Uncles.

But Baili Rongzhen was lying there, being tossed and tossed and tossed by Uncle Ten Huang, still disgusted to the extreme.

Opening the door, Baili Rongzhen gave Uncle Shi Huang a hard look.

Uncle Shihuang saw Baili Rongzhen open his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled into a bright smile, which was even brighter than his eyes this afternoon.

"Are you awake?" The tone was clear and direct.

Then Baili Rongzhen slapped Uncle Shihuang's hand away fiercely. She finally understood that the man in front of her was doing it on purpose to make such a big noise by dressing her on purpose. Interest was disturbed.

When Uncle Shihuang saw Baili Rongzhen's appearance, he knew that his little trick had been seen through, but he didn't think there was anything wrong, he was very frank.

The winking eyes were like silk: "Since you are awake, get up, the food made by the guards must be cold."

Originally, Baili Rongzhen's stomach was growling, but her thoughts drifted far away, she didn't pay attention, let alone cared, but now that Uncle Shihuang reminded her, Baili Rongzhen felt hungry, as if she hadn't eaten for several days and nights Same.

Still ignoring the Ten Emperor Uncles, he just got up and put on his clothes.But the action is lazy to the extreme.

Uncle Ten Huang shook his head. If someone saw Baili Rongzhen like this, he would probably be unbelievable. This is not the decisive Baili Rongzhen who is up and down with a knife.

It's just a ruffian breathing.

When Ten Emperor Uncle and Baili Rongzhen created the barrier and left the tent, the familiar Ten Emperor Uncle and Baili Rongzhen came back.

Whereas what Uncle Shi Huang said, what Baili Rongzhen saw when she came out was completely different. Uncle Shi Huang and Baili Rongzhen didn't get up, and those guards prepared meals but no one ate them. Uncle Huang and Baili Rongzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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