Chapter 599 [Xuanwu was imprisoned 7]

This made Ten Emperor Uncle feel a sense of frustration, his Zhen'er was on his shoulders, but he had been stagnant.But now he knows better than anyone else that cultivation can no longer improve his cultivation.

He has cultivated to his own limit, unless he can fuse a powerful force, but the power that can be seen by the Ten Emperors, he doesn't know where it is.

He is so powerful now.However, when he first conquered the demon world, he merged into a powerful force by mistake.It really brought him a qualitative leap.

Could this power be related to Baili Rongzhen's power?

The color they manifest is gold, pure gold.The spiritual belt has only seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, and there is no gold at all.

Theirs is golden. Is there an unrecognized power in this world?It happened to be obtained by him and Baili Rongzhen.

"Master, your strength is suppressed, so you won't be promoted",
"When the time is right, your cultivation will have a qualitative leap."

Baili Rongzhen suddenly thought of the time when she was promoted in a row.It made her feel unbelievable, and she even looked forward to what height her cultivation would reach if she advanced again.

"Come on, let's go out",
Uncle Shihuang opened his mouth and walked in the direction where he came, Baili Rongzhen followed, presumably the treasure map was for her to find this power, and then contracted Xuanwu.

Needless to say, this harvest is quite a lot.

At the beginning, Baili Rongzhen was also overwhelmed by that unknown emotion, but now she is at peace with what she has come.Calm to the extreme, it's like fighting monsters, discovering secrets bit by bit, finding its weaknesses, and then hitting the seeds with one blow.

More appropriate is the life of treasure hunting.

At this time, Baili Rongzhen had recovered her memory, and she even remembered that she came from the 21st century, that country thousands of years later.The true love that she didn't get in the previous life, she got it in this life.

There is a Ten Emperor Uncle, she is content, so she has a satisfied heart, and then she is much more calm when dealing with these ignorant and clueless secrets.

Xuanwu looked at Shihuangshu and Baili Rongzhen who were leaving, the whole beast was not well, it was completely abandoned, and hurriedly chased after it with its small thick legs.

Walking to the entrance of the underground palace, Uncle Shi Huang and Baili Rongzhen saw Yiying and the others healing their wounds, but it was nearing the end, Yiying was relieved when he saw Uncle Shi Huang and Baili Rongzhen walking out safe and sound. tone.

After waiting for a stick of incense, everyone recovered, Shi Huangshu and Baili Rongzhen were ready to go out.

When a group of people walked to the ground and returned to the jungle, Baili Rongzhen suddenly felt that something was missing.

"Uncle Ten Emperor, where is Xuanwu?"
Uncle Ten Huang squinted his eyes, with a half-smile smile in his eyes, extremely cunning, he thought this zombie couldn't remember, and he didn't remind him on purpose, this was the result of Xuanwu acting like a baby to his woman.

"Ah, I have to go back, Xuanwu doesn't seem to follow." Then Baili Rongzhen returned towards the original path just now.Uncle Ten Huang shook his head and followed.

At the gate of the underground palace, Xuanwu sat down on the ground, with an extremely disappointed expression on his face, as if he was a child abandoned by his mother. In fact, he was really abandoned.

The sense of gap that finds the owner and then is abandoned,

(End of this chapter)

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