Chapter 605 [Dark Tide 1]

Baili Rongzhen, who was awakened from the start, glared at Uncle Shihuang fiercely, "Try, can you not wake up?"
Baili Rongzhen only felt that a certain place was cold, and the next moment it was hot.

Tonight, Uncle Ten Huang saw that Baili Rongzhen woke up, and he had already made up his mind to punish this little zombie. Now Uncle Ten Huang could only feel his presence on the bed.

At the back, Baili Rongzhen saw that the momentum was not right, and hurriedly begged for mercy to Uncle Ten Huang: "Uncle Ten Huang, I can't do it anymore",
"Well, is the tea in the teahouse delicious?",
"It's not good, it's not good. I've already said it in the garden. It's not as good as the tea in the palace."
"The teahouse is as comfortable as sitting in the palace? How well do the servants in the teahouse serve the servants of the palace?",
"No, no, nothing is as good as Wangfu, Wangfu is the best",
At this moment, Uncle Shi Huang looked a little better with his ruddy but gloomy face, but then, there was another burst of violence.

Possessed, biting Baili Rongzhen's ear: "Then you run to the teahouse every three days",
When Baili Rongzhen stopped talking, she knew that Uncle Shihuang was angry, and this was a disguised form of punishment for her. The key point was that her attitude of admitting her mistakes was very good, and this man still didn't take it easy.

Now Baili Rongzhen was also angry, but unfortunately she didn't have the guts to vent it.

She is indeed a woman, but the place on the bed that is as big as a palm is not under her jurisdiction. She has to be coiled up or crouched down, and when she should bow her head, she must bow her head, otherwise she will suffer.

But even so, Ten Emperor Uncle still didn't intend to let Baili Rongzhen go.

"My little thing, do you think Ouyang Fengling is handsome or your husband is handsome?",
"His grandson is handsome, ten emperor uncles are the most handsome",
"Hmph," Uncle Ten Huang snorted coldly, he was the handsome one, and Ouyang Fengling was the oldest.However, from Baili Rongzhen's mouth, Uncle Shihuang just sounds comfortable, not looking for confidence, but because he likes to listen.

Who said that only men like to listen to sweet words, men are the same, they are all emotional animals.

This question just turned the page, and the next moment Uncle Ten is not good anymore, and I started to worry about the next question: "Zhen'er, Huayuan, you are called Xianggong, how nice it sounds, why is it Uncle Ten?",
Baili Rongzhen rolled her eyes at the bed man, but she quickly put it away. It's okay to be seen by Uncle Ten Huang. When this man loses his temper and seeks trouble, he can use anything as an excuse.

It's like when a woman loses her temper, she doesn't need to be willing at all.

Wasn't she always called Uncle Ten Huang? Why is this name wrong now?The emotional man is determined to torment her today.

This torture and being tortured has continued like this, and the ten emperor uncles are full of wildness tonight.

The interest is very high.A room of ambiguity, a room of charm.

Uncle Shi Huang didn't let Baili Rongzhen go until the sky turned white, and Baili Rongzhen collapsed on the bed, and it was difficult to lift her eyelids.He didn't want to move, and fell asleep.

In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Tenth Emperor's Uncle was still the Prince of Qi, and he was already fully dressed to go to court at the fifth watch.

Glancing at Baili Rongzhen who was sleeping in the dark, Uncle Ten Emperor's eyes were full of affection, and his whole body was extremely tender.

Walking to the side of the bed, lowering her head, she made a deep imprint on Baili Rongzhen's forehead.

In her sleep, Baili Rongzhen wrinkled deeply, her expression was extremely disgusted.Obviously Uncle Ten Huang disturbed her sleep,
(End of this chapter)

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