Chapter 609 [Dark Tide 5]

Uncle Shihuang looked at the steaming tea on the table, without any expression. If it was Baili Rongzhen, he could already see Uncle Shihuang's disdain from his expressionless face.

Although this tea is the best tea in the tea house, how can it compare to the tea from the ten emperors' uncles' mansion?

Picking up the teacup, Uncle Ten Huang leaned back on the chair, peeling off the lid one by one in a nonchalant manner.The movements were gentle, and every slight sound hit Ouyang Fengling's heart.

He kept guessing in his heart, what was the purpose of Uncle Ten Emperor's visit today?Where is she then?

When Ouyang Fengling and Baili Rongzhen met, they never hid themselves, they always met in an open and aboveboard manner.

In fact, he had been waiting for this day for a long time, and everything was expected.When meeting Baili Rongzhen for the first time in Baili Villa, Ouyang Fengling was sure that his heart had been captured.

However, she is someone else's princess.

A person's life is very long, he will reach his thirties in a few years, but no girl makes him feel excited, makes him want to settle down, he has also struggled, he has wandered, and he has given up.

But if he gave up Baili Rongzhen, he might be lonely for the rest of his life.Although he is a great scholar who is sought after by everyone, Mr. Ouyang, but human nature is selfish, and he is not immune.

He wanted to be with Baili Rongzhen, just being together, that feeling would make him feel like a spring breeze.

Ouyang Fengling knew that many people commented on him as a warm person. In fact, those smiles were not from the heart. Although he was smiling, it had nothing to do with his emotions. He also wanted to find a warm person. .

But emotional expressions have nothing to do, they are just people who make him feel warm.Baili Rongzhen was the person he was looking for.

The moment he saw Uncle Ten Emperor, Ouyang Fengling knew that maybe he would be ugly and his reputation would be ruined.But so what, a lifetime is so long and so short, he wants to live and fight for himself once.

Uncle Ten Huang watched Ouyang Fengling's expression calmly, but he was disappointed, Mr. Ouyang was Mr. Ouyang, and his expression was tight.

After taking a sip of the tea, Uncle Ten Huang frowned tightly, and his tone of voice could not detect any emotion, as if he was explaining the facts but also seemed to mean something else: "This tea doesn't taste very good, why is this king's concubine? Do you like drinking the tea here so much?"
"Master Ouyang must like the tea here when he comes to this teahouse, how about Mr. Ouyang explaining my doubts to the king?",
Mr. Ouyang raised his eyebrows, knowing that Uncle Ten Huang was attacking him, he still had a smile on his face, and said, "Although this tea is not as good as Biluochun, it is Chunlu tea, which has a strong taste and a fair price. , of course the common people like it”,
Uncle Ten Huang nodded with a faint smile: "Well, what the common people like is good stuff."
"It seems that the princess is very considerate of the common people, and even her own expenses have been reduced."
"This king is really ashamed of himself",
On the left of the ten emperor's uncles, one of the king's concubines and another of the king's concubines were swearing to Ouyang Fengling that Baili Rongzhen was his.It is his concubine, the concubine of the world.

Since Ouyang Fengling claims to be an ordinary person, then don't write off what he shouldn't think about.The imperial concubine has a noble status, which made Ouyang Fengling self-aware.

(End of this chapter)

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