Chapter 622 [Empathy 6]

Uncle Ten Huang had such an idea, which made him panic.

Unfolding the family letter written by Ouyang Fengling, Uncle Shihuang typed between the lines with sharp eyes, "This is not the original work of Mr. Ouyang",
"Look, be sure to find Mr. Ouyang",
"Contact Yixin to see where the princess is now",
"Yes, master",
The hidden guard retreated, and Uncle Shihuang was the only one left in the room again. It was extremely quiet, only the small tea stove on his table was still burning.The water in the kettle kept boiling.Arrogantly clamoring.

With a wave of his hand, Uncle Ten Huang extinguished the fire with a palm of spiritual power.Reaching out to lift the kettle, the water overflowed immediately.Water splashes.

It splashed onto the ten emperor's uncle's arm, and then smudged gray flowers one after another, which was unusually conspicuous on the ten emperor's uncle's white robe.

Uncle Ten Huang could clearly feel his hands trembling. This had never happened before. Never was the water in the kettle poured into the cup in front of Uncle Ten Huang.

But this time he made a mistake, which exposed the flustered heart of Uncle Ten.

Uncle Shihuang knew that his feelings were very accurate. At this moment, he felt that Baili Rongzhen would not come back. Does that really mean that she will not come back?

No, no, Ten Emperor Uncle kept fighting in his heart.

He believed in his own feelings, and even more in Baili Rongzhen.Believe in Baili Rongzhen, Uncle Shihuang believes in him more than he believes in himself, what kind of trust is this.

At this moment, Uncle Ten Huang felt a familiar breath, and his heart fell back in his throat.

I'm back, Baili Rongzhen is back.

But why does he feel that she won't come back?Is there something wrong with his feelings?Uncle Ten Huang couldn't figure it out.Because this feeling is more accurate than a woman's sixth sense, and it hasn't made mistakes for thousands of years.Why did it go wrong only tonight?
The door was opened, and Baili Rongzhen walked in in a dusty suit, and saw Uncle Shi Huang's eyes were indifferent.

His brows frowned slightly: "Why aren't you sleeping?",
"Wait for you!",
"En", Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen have always been like this when they get along, with a touch of concern and indifferent conversation. Only they who are in it can understand what kind of warmth this is.

Maybe it was those days before, both of them were lonely and lacked warmth, so they desperately wanted to catch a little bit of warmth.

"Let's go, sleep, tired",
"it is good!",
Uncle Ten Huang put down the tea that had been boiled and had not had time to drink, and just put it here, walked to Baili Rongzhen and took Baili Rongzhen's hand.

That familiar touch reassured Uncle Ten Huang.

When she came to the bed, Baili Rongzhen suddenly stopped in her tracks: "Sir, let me undress you."
As soon as Baili Rongzhen finished speaking, Uncle Ten Huang frowned, and a trace of inquiring emotion flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly hidden under his deep eyes.

"it is good!"

Baili Rongzhen walked up to Uncle Shi Huang, and began to undress Uncle Shi Huang. Every technique was in place and even more skillful.

In this way, Uncle Ten Huang felt uncomfortable all over. How could this little zombie suddenly be so considerate, knowing that considerateness is a husband.

Uncle Shi Huang, who was left with only obscene clothes and trousers, glanced at Baili Rongzhen who was still neatly dressed
(End of this chapter)

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