Chapter 626 [Empathy 10]

At this time, Ouyang Fengling and Baili Rongzhen were the fish on the cutting board, and they were made of knives.

When Baili Rongzhen and Ouyang Fengling walked into Chenjiazhuang, it was already doomed. The opponent was hidden too deeply, too unpredictable, and they didn't notice anything strange at all.

Seeing the backs of Baili Rongzhen and Ouyang Fengling walking in, Le Jia and the Sixth Elder appeared at the gate of Chenjiazhuang.

The sixth elder took out a shining Buddhist bead and kept chanting Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the entire Chenjiazhuang stepped into the barrier, and it was a barrier that had never been seen or heard before. The reason why the Sixth Elder swore to issue the military order was because of the mysterious power of this Buddhist bead.

Le Jia looked at the Buddhist beads that the Sixth Elder took out in shock.

"Colorful Buddha beads?" The voice was shocked, but his eyes were looking straight at the Buddhist beads floating in mid-air that were emitting colorful light.

The Sixth Elder looked at the seven-colored Buddha beads in high spirits, every time he would be overwhelmed by the powerful power that emanated from them.That power is enough to destroy the world.

It's a pity that he can only use the power inside at the right time.Because this is something of the Lord Buddha, they are only worthy of admiration but not possession.

"For you, kid, you know a lot, you know it's a colorful Buddhist bead",
"Sixth Elder, didn't this Buddhist bead disappear? Why did you have it?",
When Le Jia asked, the Sixth Elder's eyes dodged. He would never tell Le Jia that he picked up the sheep while the First Elder was sleeping.

"Children, what are you asking? Hurry up and hide, the Demon Lord is coming soon",
With a wave of the sixth elder's hand, the colorful Buddhist beads went into his palm, and he took the two of them to hide in the space interface. Although they were still in place, they were no longer there.

Because no one can detect their existence, they are in the inner space of colorful prayer beads.It was a different space, a different space created by the Lord Buddha.You can hide anything you want.

After a quarter of an hour, Uncle Ten Huang found Baili Rongzhen's location with his special method.

He came to the gate of Chenjiazhuang all in his body, and looked up at the stone tablet standing next to Chenjiazhuang.The whole person was indifferent and alienated to the extreme.

Chenjiazhuang is just a small village, Uncle Shi Huang couldn't figure out what was worth Baili Rongzhen's blind arrival.

Caressed by the night breeze, Uncle Ten Emperor's silky white hair fluttered wantonly in the air, which was unusually conspicuous.

He walked in towards Chenjiazhuang, looking for Baili Rongzhen's breath, he walked more and more inside Chenjiazhuang.

"Elder Six, the Demon Venerable has walked in!",
"The show is about to begin, Le Jia, the Sixth Elder invites you to watch a good show."
"Oh, can the main Buddha and the demon be separated?",
"Nonsense, good and evil can never be together, they are evil fate, we must stop",
Le Jia turned his head and glanced at the Sixth Elder, but he didn't say anything else. He really wanted to ask the Sixth Elder, can their abilities stop the evil relationship between the Lord Buddha and the Demon Lord?
He didn't understand why the Sixth Elder spent so much effort to lure them here.

Uncle Shihuang walked into the villa, and suddenly a corpse aura hit him. Uncle Shihuang was very familiar with corpse aura. Baili Rongzhen had corpse aura on her body, but her corpse aura had been used by Uncle Ten Huang in a special way. suppressed,
(End of this chapter)

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