Chapter 628 [Death of Ten Emperor Uncles 1]

He couldn't stand it, really couldn't stand it.

She betrayed him?
Pfft, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Uncle Ten Emperor's mouth.At this moment, he could no longer describe his despairing mood, Baili Rongzhen's expectant eyes towards Ouyang Fengling were all in his mind, they were so happy, so well matched.

He himself didn't know how Uncle Ten Huang came back to the palace, and he was completely out of his wits.She locked herself in the room between him and Baili Rongzhen.

Betrayed, she totally betrayed their feelings.

Why, why is this happening?Uncle Ten Huang believed in Baili Rongzhen so much more than he believed in himself, but what happened?
Is she not coming back?Just as he expected, he won't come back. Since then, he has lost her?

Haha, Uncle Shihuang laughed desolately while lying on the bed that still had the fragrance of Baili Rongzhen. Ouyang Fengling was right. Even though he knew that Baili Rongzhen had betrayed him, he still couldn't bear to blame Baili Rongzhen. .

The smile on her face is so happy, is Ouyang Fengling her happiness?So what is he?
So what are the days when they were in love with each other?
Pfft, another mouthful of blood was spit out on the bed, and the smell of blood immediately spread throughout the room, covering up the smell of Baili Rongzhen.

Uncle Ten Emperor's eyes were piercingly red, getting redder and redder.

The spiritual power of the whole body was uncontrollably rampaging in Uncle Ten Emperor's body, and Uncle Ten Emperor didn't frown or move in the overwhelming pain.

He knew that he was being demonized bit by bit.He used to just suppress the demonic energy in his body, but now he doesn't want to suppress it anymore, it doesn't matter if it is demonized, anyway, he doesn't have any nostalgia anymore.

After being demonized, Uncle Ten can no longer stay in the human world, and must return to the demon world.

Uncle Ten Emperor is no longer Uncle Ten Emperor, but Emperor Shitian.The Demon Lord of the Demon Realm is also known as Emperor Xuan, but everyone calls him the Ten Emperors Uncle Demon Lord. Over time, everyone has forgotten the title of Demon Lord.

At this moment, Baili Rongzhen suddenly kicked open the door and walked in. The smell of blood in the room made her frown.Seeing Uncle Ten Emperor lying on the bed with a large blood-stained flower on his chest, Baili Rongzhen was extremely frightened.

Trembling all over her body, she strode towards Uncle Ten Huang.

"Uncle Ten Emperor, what's the matter, what's the matter with you, tell me",
Baili Rongzhen's eyes turned bloodshot immediately, and she was extremely anxious. She didn't know why she just went to Chenjiazhuang, caught a few powerful zombies, and came back like this.

"Uncle Ten Emperor, don't scare me, Uncle Ten Emperor," Baili Rongzhen's voice was even crying, and her whole body was trembling.

Hearing Baili Rongzhen's voice, Uncle Shihuang's eyes cleared up, and seeing Baili Rongzhen's face, he smiled like a flower: "Zhen'er, you are back",
"Well, I'm back, I'm back, you tell me where it hurts, tell me",
Said Baili Rongzhen did not wait for Uncle Shihuang to answer, dug out countless bottles of pills from her inner space, and fed all the pills to Uncle Shihuang.

Seeing Baili Rongzhen's flustered appearance, Uncle Shi Huang felt extremely distressed, but when he opened his mouth, his mouth was filled with pills.

"Eat it quickly!" Baili Rongzhen rudely fed Ten Emperor Uncle the pill, and even reached out and tapped Ten Emperor Uncle's acupoints for him to eat quickly.

"Is it better?",
PS: Babies of the college entrance examination, enjoy this time!Freedom, ease and stress-free!

(End of this chapter)

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