Chapter 635 [Unrequited Love 3]

The most overbearing kind of Gu.The Gu King is the next generation after the combination of the original Gu King and the Gu Queen. There is only one in the world, and there is no way to solve it. That's why he is so overbearing.Even the demon king can't resist.

But Uncle Shi Huang couldn't control his thoughts.It's been a month since I saw her, how is she?Does Ouyang Fengling treat her well?
Uncle Ten Huang finally stepped into the capital city of the Northern Wei Dynasty that he swore he would never step into in his life. He wanted to see how his little thing was doing?Only in this way can he be his Demon Lord with peace of mind.

Since he didn't have the slightest hatred towards Baili Rongzhen.It was given by Baili Rongzhen, regardless of whether it was good or bad, Ten Emperor Uncles would gladly accept it.Including the injury Baili Rongzhen gave him this time.

------Dividing line---------
In the study room, Baili Rongzhen sat upright at the seat where Uncle Ten Huang sat, frowning tightly, looking down at the ledger in her hand.

And below her stood the trembling shopkeeper.This shopkeeper is the shopkeeper of all the properties of Ten Emperor Uncles.

Baili Rongzhen was extremely impatient looking at the account books whose income had been declining since she took over.

She thought she could do it well, but when she actually did it, she realized that it was easy to do, beautiful to do, and well done, but the road to Sichuan was difficult, and it was difficult to ascend to the blue sky.

She is really not as good as ten emperor uncles.

"Treasurer, what do you say about these lost partners?",
"Princess, these suppliers have all cooperated with Ouyang's family. The old man has also sought out several times, but he politely refused."
"The profit offered by Ouyang's family is higher than ours?",
The shopkeeper nodded, and Baili Rongzhen fell into deep thought. Over the past month, they kept making concessions. Those supply rooms were like dogs that couldn't get enough to eat, and they would bite back from time to time.

It seems that they see her as a bully.Standing on top of her head again and again shitting.

The soft bosom policy has all these effects, making Baili Rongzhen have to think about whether her thinking is wrong, so that others have the opportunity to make progress.

"Shopkeeper, since those suppliers have changed to cooperate with Ouyang's family, let them go,"
"And pull into the blacklist, never hired",
The shopkeeper hesitated: "Then, what should we do if there is no stock in our shop?",
"You go back first, don't worry, the goods will be available, in one day, all the goods will arrive at the store",
Under the shopkeeper's suspicious eyes, Baili Rongzhen finally sent her away.It seemed she had to make that move, Dances with Wolves.

Surviving a desperate situation is the only way out for her now, otherwise she really suspects that Uncle Ten Emperor's family business will be defeated by her.

At this time a black shadow entered the study.Baili Rongzhen raised her head, her eyes still had no warmth: "What's the matter?",
"Princess, he is here",
This one made Baili Rongzhen stunned, and that one was referring to Ouyang Fengling. I don't know what kind of news Ouyang Fengling got, that Uncle Ten Huang died.

This month, he visited the palace countless times, wanting to see Baili Rongzhen.

Baili Rongzhen refused. Although she was very sensible and knew that the disappearance of Uncle Ten Emperor had nothing to do with Ouyang Fengling, she really couldn't help it.Ouyang Fengling should be thankful that he is one of Baili Rongzhen's few friends.

Otherwise, according to Baili Rongzhen's personality, I'm afraid she really had to cut Ouyang Fengling off before she could get rid of her anger.

After thinking about it many times, Baili Rongzhen was sure that going to Chenjiazhuang that day was a trap.
(End of this chapter)

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