Chapter 637 [Unrequited Love 5]

Friends in the past, strangers today, and even rivals.

Ouyang Feng Ling Dan smiled and said nothing, this is the answer, isn't it?It was indeed the answer he didn't want.

Ouyang Fengling took out a list from his hand, which was the list of suppliers who had defected from Uncle Ten Emperors to his Ouyang family.When Baili Rongzhen took it in his hand, his face became gloomy for a while.

This is twice as much as the shopkeeper's list, which means that one-third of the previous suppliers have defected. This is a powerful figure.At this moment, the business empire established by the Ten Emperor Uncles was already in jeopardy.

"Since the things have been delivered, let's say goodbye",
Speaking of which, Ouyang Fengling didn't wait for Baili Rongzhen to react, he just stood up and walked outside. Today his goal has been achieved, but it was just to meet Baili Rongzhen and cut off all his thoughts.

Nian Xiang was not cut off, but after meeting, he missed her more and more, even in front of his eyes, but he missed her, and later he realized that what he missed was only Baili Rongzhen who talked and laughed happily with her in the teahouse.

It's not this superficially friendly, everything is the same as the previous picture, but it makes people feel very fake.

Ouyang Fengling didn't know where Uncle Ten Huang had gone, but he felt fortunate for a quarter of an hour that without Uncle Ten Huang, would the relationship between them be natural and logical?At least he thinks he is no worse than Ten Emperor Uncles.What Uncle Ten Emperor can do, he can still do, and what he can't do, he will try his best to do.

Only after seeing him today did he realize that the one who separated them was never an uncle of the ten emperors, but that she kept him out of her heart from the beginning to the end.

As long as Baili Rongzhen took one step, he didn't mind taking the remaining 99 steps, but she kept watching with cold eyes.

That step was ultimately the chief culprit who hindered Ouyang Fengling's 99 steps. Later, he thought, if Baili Rongzhen had the will, he would even be willing to complete those [-] steps by himself.It's a pity that everything is Ouyang Fengling's own thoughts.

"Wait!" Baili Rongzhen looked at Ouyang Fengling's back as he resolutely left, and finally stopped him.

Ouyang Fengling stopped in his tracks, but did not look back, because he had already been appointed.It's impossible for him and her.Then why bother, why bother.Then come to a drunken life and dream death alone.


Ouyang Fengling didn't answer, Baili Rongzhen still persisted in asking: "Why, why did you give me this?",
Yes, she doesn't understand why he gave her this list, they are rivals, aren't they?Giving her this list is just embarrassing herself.With this list, she can improve the current sluggish state.

For Ouyang Fengling, the Patriarch of the Ouyang Family, there are only disadvantages and no advantages, and she can't think of a reason.

But she must have a reason.

"Let's consider it a gift from Mr. Ouyang, who is a friend." Ouyang Fengling just finished speaking, and after waiting for a while, Baili Rongzhen didn't reply, and walked forward with all his body.

This gift was his last gift to Baili Rongzhen.As a last gift for a friend.
ps: I am in a bad mood tonight, and the update is very slow.In a woman's marriage, she thought about divorce countless times, but because of various restraints and fears.Let her give up thinking again and again.I may be one of these!

(End of this chapter)

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