Chapter 641 [Born Experience 1]

Facing my husband, it has been like this since ancient times, isn't there a saying that goes, marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog.She naturally wants to follow Uncle Ten.

Today, she can finally catch her breath.

In the flower hall, I used Uncle Ten's favorite tea set, imitating Uncle Ten, and cooked myself a cup of good Biluochun.

In the spring of this year, Biluochun was presented again, and Baili Rongzhen was kept by Uncle Shi Huang. I don't know when Uncle Shi Huang will come back.

Whenever in the dead of night, when Baili Rongzhen was lying on the couch that she shared with the Ten Emperors Uncle countless times, Baili Rongzhen would be extremely lonely.I especially miss Ten Emperor Uncles.

She is a strong Baili Rongzhen who can hold up half the sky. She is only vulnerable in front of the Ten Emperor Uncles. Without the Ten Emperor Uncles, Baili Rongzhen is a luxury to be vulnerable, so she becomes more emotionless and indifferent.

Only in the dead of night and when loneliness strikes, Baili Rongzhen will be vulnerable, and will recall bit by bit and everything about Ten Emperor Uncles.Only then did he reach out and touch the outside of the bed over and over again.

Baili Rongzhen has a habit now, that is, when she sleeps, she always leaves a place for someone else, just like the ten emperor uncles, that place is reserved for the ten emperor uncles.

She always touches that position inadvertently, which seems to have become Baili Rongzhen's habit.

Now Baili Rongzhen's temperament is more and more similar to that of the ten emperor uncles before, indifferent.Killing decisively, even killing without blinking an eye.She kills who she thinks deserves to be killed.

Just like this, Baili Rongzhen took a sip of the tea she had just brewed, and walked in with one heart: "Princess!",
Seeing Yixin, Baili Rongzhen frowned habitually, "Tell me, what's the matter?"
"Princess, the carriage sent by the palace to pick up the concubine is about to arrive. The queen invites the concubine to enter the palace for a while."
Baili Rongzhen's skin didn't wrinkle any tighter, and once she was promoted to the palace, her whole body was not good, she was simply a big dye vat, without a single good thing.It is better to say that it is the queen who asked her to reminisce about the old days than the one on the throne looking for her.

At the beginning, they were inquiring about the whereabouts of the Tenth Uncle, both openly and secretly, and Baili Rongzhen was perfunctory, but after such a long time, the Tenth Uncle hadn't come back, and the man in the palace might not be able to sit still.

The Imperial Forest Army in the hands of Uncle Ten Emperors began to stare covetously.

Now those Imperial Forest Army are in the hands of Baili Rongzhen, Dongfangjing doesn't know, they let Baili Rongzhen secretly get the military talisman of the Ten Emperor Uncles secretly, how does Dongfangjing know, those former emperors, that is Dongfangjing's After Grandpa Huang was handed over to Uncle Ten Emperors, he no longer had any military talismans.They recognize people.

At the beginning, when Baili Rongzhen was led by Yiying to meet the commander of the imperial forest army, the other party disdainful, they only recognized the ten emperor uncle, what the hell is the princess.

Baili Rongzhen spent a lot of time and even used her own strength to conquer those Yulin Army. Now the Yulin Army is a powerful force in Baili Rongzhen's hands.

"Yixin, stop the carriage and say that the palace is not feeling well today, so I will enter the palace another day",
"Yes, princess," and Yixin quickly disappeared into the flower hall. When Baili Rongzhen conquered the Imperial Forest Army, she also conquered the hidden guards like Uncle Ten Emperors.She even single-handedly selected the entire Dark Guard Battalion.

If it is said that the ten emperor uncles were the gods they worshiped in the past, then Baili Rongzhen was their driving force, and defeating Baili Rongzhen became their goal.

(End of this chapter)

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