Chapter 648 [Crossing the Demon Realm 4]

Uncle Ten is a Demon Lord, and it takes no effort at all to open the Demon Gate.

It won't be long before Baili Rongzhen will go to Yixiantian with Uncle Ten Huang.After all, Baili Rongzhen still attaches great importance to the card of the Buddhist world, so there is no need to be sorry.

At the end of the second day, Baili Rongzhen, the Sixth Elder, and Le Jia had already arrived at the edge of a cliff. The cliff here was guarded by monsters, and the level was not low.

Baili Rongzhen took a closer look, and it turned out to be Yazi.

When Yazi saw Baili Rongzhen, he was extremely respectful. The four beasts all knew that this little zombie was their master's treasure, and they must not be offended, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The different space in the master-subcontract space is not a place for monsters.

Immediately, he respectfully invited Baili Rongzhen up the mountain.Since the ten emperor uncles returned to the Demon Realm, their four fierce beasts have each guarded the four gates in the southeast, north, and west.

It just so happens that the east gate of the human world is Yazi.

However, if Baili Rongzhen was brought up the mountain, Yazi would not be able to help him. He would not be able to open the Demon Gate, and they would go back to the Demon Realm unless the master summoned them.

"Queen, go by yourself",
The queen, Yazi called Baili Rongzhen that way, but Baili Rongzhen just squinted her eyes and didn't respond, but Le Jia and the sixth elder were furious. The queen, the main Buddha of their Buddhist world, is extremely noble. Will it be the Queen of the Demon Realm?

However, they did not confront Yazi directly, after all, they still had business to do, and if they missed the time, the Demon Gate would not be able to open.

When he reached the top of the mountain, the Sixth Elder began to drive out the talisman papers one by one. The spiritual power was constantly circulating in his palm, and all the spiritual power was directed towards the cliff.

For a quarter of an hour, the sweat on the sixth elder's face was dripping down like rain, and the spiritual power was constantly being consumed. Baili Rongzhen almost thought that the sixth elder's spiritual power was going to be exhausted.

Fortunately, Le Jia helped him at this time, and quickly channeled his spiritual power behind the Sixth Elder.

I saw that since the Demon Gate at the bottom of the cliff was not loose at all, I said, "No, I can't open it",
"Looks like this is the only way"
The Sixth Elder stretched out his hand, and a large piece of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck fell down like a broken thread. He reached out and quickly grabbed eighteen of them.

"Lord Buddha, you will see the timing later, as long as you open a crack, you will jump",
"it is good",
If it were an ordinary person, they would retreat when they heard this, and jump off the cliff. It would be fatal. If they fell, they would be smashed to pieces, and even the dead body might not be found.

But Baili Rongzhen is not afraid.

If she hadn't seen Yazi, Baili Rongzhen might have reconsidered. Yazi is the contracted beast of the Ten Emperors Uncle, and it is here, and it will send her up the mountain.

The Buddha beads with spiritual power emitted golden light, and all of them hit the Demon Gate on the cliff. At this moment, a crack appeared in the Demon Gate, and powerful demonic energy came out of the crack.

"Lord Buddha, jump!",
Baili Rongzhen jumped down without any hesitation. At this time, Yazi was already standing on the cliff, watching Baili Rongzhen enter the Demon Realm with extremely complicated expression.

I'm afraid that this trip will not be so smooth, because their demon king is going to marry the demon queen all day long.

He didn't know what was going on, the master who returned to the Demon Realm was like a different person.But Yazi thinks that only Baili Rongzhen can be their devil queen, so that woman is as strong as Baili Rongzhen?

Although Yazi was unwilling, she had to admit that she was better than other women by choosing Baili Rongzhen as the master of the four great beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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