Report that the queen concubine has secretly left the palace again

Chapter 656 [Emperor Uncle's Big Marriage 4]

Chapter 656 [The Great Marriage of Ten Emperor Uncles 4]

His head was drooping, and the matted straw-like hair covered his entire face.

The clothes on his body were also tattered, and he couldn't see his true colors at all, Xie Xun, the golden lion king?Baili Rongzhen's thoughts jumped. In her previous life, she liked Jin Yong's novels very much, but at this moment, that person really made him feel as embarrassed as Xie Xun.

Baili Rongzhen was looking at that person, but that person was brought in from Baili Rongzhen without even raising his head or looking at Baili Rongzhen.If it wasn't for that weak breathing, Baili Rongzhen really thought that person was dead.

Look at the iron chains on his hands and feet that are as thick as a bowl, locking his hands and feet. If Baili Rongzhen looks right, there are imprisonment arrays on the chains.The confinement array is very domineering, and it is used to confine masters.

It is an ancient formation, long ago, long lost.The reason why Baili Rongzhen knew this was because she had an omniscient ten emperor uncle who knew everything in the sky and everything on the earth.

How old is this person?
Uncle Shihuang said that he had seen this formation before, but he couldn't.In other words, this person is not locked here by the ten emperor uncles at all, so who could it be.

Although Baili Rongzhen looked at this person coldly, she felt distressed and even had the urge to get closer.She frowned, feeling bad.

Turning over, Baili Rongzhen fell asleep in the white jade coffin, ignoring this man who couldn't tell his age or appearance, but from his figure, he could be sure that he was a man, which was the only thing Baili Rongzhen could be sure of.

That white jade coffin just lay there out of place in this dark and damp dungeon.She was locked in a dungeon, but she didn't intend to abuse herself.Baili Rongzhen, who doesn't have ten emperor uncles, wants to feel sorry for herself.

Sleeping in the white jade coffin, Baili Rongzhen's mind was in a turmoil, and she kept recalling everything that happened after opening the Demon Gate. She didn't know why she became like this, and why Uncle Shi Huang looked like he didn't know her.

Could it be that he really doesn't know her anymore?
At this moment, Baili Rongzhen was not sure, she couldn't help but wonder, did the Ten Emperor Uncles return to the Demon Realm and lose their memory after being wiped out?Because she lost her memory after becoming a zombie.Changing one identity, the memory of the previous identity is no longer accompanied?

This is the reason why Baili Rongzhen chose to stay. She has to figure out, is it because Uncle Shi Huang doesn't love her anymore?Or is Uncle Ten Huang lost his memory and doesn't remember her?
If she doesn't love her anymore, she will never entangle her. Even if she is reluctant, she can't do anything to hurt her self-esteem. The queen is the queen, and even when facing her own love, she must end it in a queen's arrogant way.

If it was amnesia, then she would never leave her, just like the tenth emperor uncle was always by her side.

Does this count as tit for tat?She had to experience the disappointment and pain that Uncle Ten Emperor had endured back then, so that she could empathize with him?

The corner of Baili Rongzhen's mouth pulled out a faint smile, a smile from the heart, this was the first smile from Baili Rongzhen's heart after coming to the Demon Realm.That man is really stingy and domineering.

To take revenge on her in this way.At this moment, Baili Rongzhen was a little dumbfounded, a man she loved and hated at the same time.Only the Tenth Emperor's Uncle would make Baili Rongzhen so helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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