Chapter 699 [Nine-Headed Beast 2]

The reason why they survived was because of Baili Rongzhen. If Baili Rongzhen didn't need them, they would naturally disappear into the world.

But it is not so easy to help.

Uncle Ten Huang stood there, frowning tightly. He felt as if he was at the end of his battle at this time, and he was struggling more and more. Uncle Ten Huang had never been a person who was overconfident. Many times, he planned out strategies.

He wanted to take it in, but it didn't work, so don't force it, but after he tried a few times, the spiritual power in his whole body seemed to be disobedient, and he couldn't take it in at all.

Baili Rongzhen stood there, taking everything into her eyes, extremely anxious.His complexion was uglier than Uncle Ten Emperor's.

Just when Uncle Ten Huang tried to stop for the second time, Baili Rongzhen flew to Uncle Ten Huang, took out a pill from the space ring and fed it into Uncle Ten Huang's mouth.

Then he stood behind Ten Emperor Uncle and used his own spiritual power to replenish Ten Emperor Uncle. Immediately, Ten Emperor Uncle felt a lot more relaxed, because both Ten Emperor Uncle and Baili Rongzhen's spiritual power came from the same source, the most original source. Spiritual power, so Uncle Shi Huang didn't reject Baili Rongzhen's spiritual power.

After a quarter of an hour, Baili Rongzhen also seemed to feel that her spiritual power was being lost bit by bit. The spiritual power of the sea of ​​​​qi formed a cyclone, quickly swept past Baili Rongzhen's dantian, and then brought All the spiritual power in the dantian.

Even with Baili Rongzhen's special system and quick recovery of spiritual power, it couldn't withstand several times of searches by the cyclone.

"Jen'er, stop",
"Quick stop",
Uncle Ten Emperor stood there with a low voice, but it was not difficult for Baili Rongzhen to hear a trace of nervousness. Baili Rongzhen was also pale, but when he heard Uncle Ten Emperor's voice, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That smile was extremely warm.It's like the sun in winter, it's unbelievably warm enough to melt any glacier, but at this time Uncle Shi Huang can't see it.Otherwise, he would be amazed by Baili Rongzhen's smile.

But Baili Rongzhen didn't stop as Uncle Shihuang said.She was giving spiritual power to Uncle Ten Emperors, and she wanted to stop, so there would be no restraints, but Baili Rongzhen would not.

At this time, she and Uncle Shihuang are in the same boat, even if they fall like this, Baili Rongzhen will not regret it, just like Uncle Shihuang used to give his life for Baili Rongzhen at any time, Uncle Shihuang's love will not Talking about it is proved by action.This love is heavy.

It was as if, at this moment, Uncle Shi Huang's white hair gently supported Baili Rongzhen's face, making her heart warm, but it was also unusually heavy. She has nothing to repay the love she has given her, and she can only live and die with the ten emperor uncles.

It is not bad to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but also to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day.

When Baili Rongzhen put her hand on Uncle Shi Huang's back, she felt a pressure, but she never turned back. Even today, she and Uncle Shi Huang both fell, she would never turn back.

"Go away,"
Uncle Shihuang stood there, unable to turn around, but Baili Rongzhen behind him did not move, Uncle Shihuang panicked, this strange woman, at this moment, was in the same boat as him, what kind of feelings did this have?
Uncle Shihuang tried to anger Baili Rongzhen with indifferent words, but unfortunately, Uncle Shihuang at this time had no memory of Baili Rongzhen, and naturally he didn't know Baili Rongzhen's character. gotta bleed

(End of this chapter)

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