Chapter 701 [Nine-Headed Beast 4]

"Master, here we come",
Speaking of Baihu and Xuanwu, he transformed into a human form and took Baili Rongzhen's place.

"Master, you go to the bottom of the lake, now only you can deal with that summoned guardian spirit",
"Okay" Baili Rongzhen has no doubts about the words of Baihu and Xuanwu, because they are her contracted beasts, and they are all prosperous and all are damaged.Baili Rongzhen didn't even know that her consolation was more serious than all damage, so Baihu and Xuanwu naturally didn't dare to joke about Baili Rongzhen's life.

In an instant, Baili Rongzhen plunged headlong into the bottom of the lake. Although in this different world, she had never tried whether she could swim or not, but in her previous life she could, naturally.

Dive into the bottom of the lake.From far away, Baili Rongzhen could see a huge vortex, which could not be felt on the surface of the lake, and could only be seen at the bottom of the lake.

At this time, the stone lion beast was in the very center of the vortex, lifeless, even a bit like its corpse was wrapped in the vortex, Baili Rongzhen was a zombie, and was very sensitive to breathing, otherwise I really thought the stone lion The beast is dead.

Feeling Baili Rongzhen's aura, Shishi Beast's eyes briefly flashed with joy.I also have faith in my heart.

With a master, hum, they are not afraid of that green-eyed, nine-headed monster, who summons a patron saint, but a monster who guards the gate, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

The stone lion beast was originally the messenger who opened the summoning channel for the priest, but he did not expect to be humiliated by summoning the patron saint.He was extremely aggrieved, and when he felt Baili Rongzhen, he stiffened up.

"Master, here, here",
Baili Rongzhen saw the stone lion beast, and swam towards the stone lion beast vigorously. Under the water, Baili Rongzhen tiptoed and couldn't move it.It is not as flexible as the ground at all. It is really a challenge to rescue the stone lion beast from the whirlpool.

"Master, use the protective shield to avoid water." As soon as the words fell, Baili Rongzhen really used her spiritual power to build a protective shield. There is not a drop of water in it, just like the ground.

Seeing the stone lion beast's embarrassed appearance in the whirlpool, Baili Rongzhen squinted her eyes and frowned.

She saw the golden spiritual power at the top of the vortex. She was familiar with that spiritual power. It turned out that the spiritual power in her and Uncle Shi Huang's bodies was driving the vortex to spin faster and faster, and it hadn't reached the summoned patron saint. , Baili Rongzhen already hated it.

Hmph, to tease them like this.

However, Baili Rongzhen did not rush to block the vortex driven by spiritual power.With enough spiritual power in her palm, she quickly turned into the vortex, and then quickly came out.

When she came out, she was still twisting the stone lion beast in her hand.All this happened in the blink of an eye.

Baili Rongzhen's movements were too fast, so fast that even the stone lion beast didn't feel how it came out, so it stayed away from the whirlpool.

"Are you okay?",
The stone lion beast crawled beside Baili Rongzhen, gasping for breath. He was originally the messenger of the sacrifice, so he was not afraid of water, but in the vortex, he had tossed enough, let alone opened the summoning channel and summoned the guardian. God negotiated.

"It's okay, master",
Baili Rongzhen glanced at the stone lion beast lightly, making sure it was fine, and then asked, "Where is the summoning channel?",
Only when Baili Rongzhen opened the summoning channel can the Ten Emperors and the others be freed.

PS: Pay the ticket and don't kill me, otherwise Mother Xue will make you not orgasm, huh!

(End of this chapter)

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