Chapter 721 [Insect Gu? 】

At this time, Baili Rongzhen realized that Linghu Xueer's sudden change was because Uncle Ten Huang came out, what a trap, Baili Rongzhen really underestimated Linghu Xueer's scheming.

Having dinner with Linghu Xueer?
Hmph, Baili Rongzhen was angry, really angry, she waited for him at the gate of the main hall for an hour or two, and he didn't even look at her when he came out, but wanted to have dinner with another woman.

The angry Baili Rongzhen turned around and left, and went back the same way.

She scolded Uncle Shi Huang ten thousand times in her heart, she wanted to go up to Uncle Shi Huang to make a theory, and even wanted to stop Uncle Shi Huang from eating with this woman, but could she really do that?
Don't men all hate jealous women?Previously, Baili Rongzhen was very stingy, and she was very possessive of Uncle Ten Huang.

But Baili Rongzhen is not a woman without brains. If this continues, will Uncle Ten Huang think she is a vexatious person?
In the past, Baili Rongzhen would not have cared what Uncle Shihuang thought, and let her own temper do it.

But now, Uncle Shi Huang has no memory of her at all. He and her are just strangers. Only when they are on the bed can they feel each other. That feeling is strange and familiar.

If Uncle Ten Huang hates herself at this time, what should she do?
It was only at this time that Baili Rongzhen came to her senses. Now her focus was to find out why Uncle Ten was frustrated, and then retrieve Uncle Ten's memory.

Baili Rongzhen went back the same way, back to the middle palace.

In the room, when Baili Rongzhen entered the inner space, the first thing she did was to quickly find Baihu, Xuanwu, and Qinglong. They should know more than her.The three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, maybe there will be some clues.

In the gazebo, Baili Rongzhen sat there, looking at the three blushing little ones below her.Baihu and Xuanwu returned to their original state in front of Baili Rongzhen, and only Qinglong stared at that coquettish face.

She looked at Baili Rongzhen with a half-smile.

The next moment, the corner of Baili Rongzhen's mouth twitched into a bright smile, Baihu and Xuanwu who received Baili Rongzhen's gaze flashed, only Qinglong dared to meet her.

"Did you all see it last night?",
Baihu and Xuanwu didn't speak, Qinglong opened the folding fan, and sat on the stone bench in front of Baili Rongzhenmi tightly: "Master, the man you chose is not very good."
"That's it, you are still screaming, your small body, hey, you really strengthened the exercise",
The talking Qinglong looked Baili Rongzhen up and down and came to a conclusion.

Baili Rongzhen laughed angrily, is Qinglong questioning her figure?My aunt won't be gifted until the second half of this year, how can she have a good figure.

"You understand well?",
Qinglong raised his haughty chin and looked at Baili Rongzhen with air: "Of course, how many women want to spend the night with me."
Baihu and Xuanwu retreated subconsciously, and seeing Baili Rongzhen's expression, they knew that Qinglong's fate was not very good.

Sure enough, the next moment Baili Rongzhen stood up and walked in front of Qinglong.Only to hear Qinglong screaming.

Baili Rongzhen twisted Qinglong's ears like a dominatrix: "Is it itchy? My aunt will loosen it for you",
"Let go, woman, let go, let go, or I will be rude to you",
"You're welcome?" Baili Rongzhen's eyes flashed a trace of hostility.

"How can you be rude to my aunt? It seems that you don't understand your position. I don't mind letting you know whose territory this is."

(End of this chapter)

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