Chapter 731 [Recovering Memory 2]

This should be the most mysterious witchcraft, the long-lost spell to control Gu, even in the Miao Jiang generation, it has been lost.

No one can be the same as the Great Elder Mo. After raising the Gu King and raising the Gu, among powerful people, even the patriarch of Miao Jiang can only choose one to raise, but the Great Elder Mo can.And bred the next generation.

I saw that when Elder Mo’s spell started, the two Gu kings and queens became even more irritable, and they were not willing to listen to Elder Mo’s words at all. As the spell of Elder Mo’s spell continued to change, his tone became more resolute and could not be violated. , the Gu king and the Gu queen crawled slowly like the elder demon's hand that had already reached into the container.

Turning around, the Great Elder Mo pointed the Gu King and Gu Queen at the small hole in Uncle Shihuang's chest, and then recited the mantra just now, and the Gu King and Gu Queen entered through the small hole one after another. In the body of Uncle Ten.

Uncle Ten Emperor actually released three Gu in one body.This is unprecedented.

"Great Elder, can the Demon Lord's body withstand three Gu?",
"Hey, it's up to now, only to see the devil's own good fortune, as long as he survives, everything will be fine",
But when Elder Moda said that was good, he was not so excited, but a little scared. Is it really good?Or another unknown ending?

"how so?',
"It should be that when the Demon Lord was with her, he wanted to recall that memory, but was obstructed by the Gu. The Demon Lord resisted too much, almost causing Gu to die in the Demon Lord's body, and the Demon Lord's memory will also recover." ,
"But didn't you say at the beginning that such a thing would not happen? Then the memory will not be restored at all",
The Great Elder Mo nodded: "Well, it won't recover, so the Gu will erode the heart and brain of the Demon Venerable like crazy until it controls the Demon Venerable's mind."
"From time to time, the Demon Lord will be under the control of Gu?"

"No, at that time, the Demon Lord will become a demon without heart, a real big demon. Gu can no longer do anything to him",
"That's fine, the Demon Lord is the former Demon Lord again",
The Great Elder Demon sighed: "Okay? A Demon Lord who has no heart, only knows how to kill, and the Three Realms will probably be ruined again."
"Forget it, forget it, the Demon Lords of all generations in the Demon Realm are all great demon heads",
The ghost-faced demon envoy suddenly became contradictory. Maybe other people in the demon world hoped that the demon king would become a big devil, but he didn't want it. At that time, the demon king would only think about killing and nothing else.

At that time, there will be another big war in the Three Realms.Can Mozun really win this battle?I'm afraid it's difficult.

Because since ancient times, evil has prevailed over good, isn't it always like this?Otherwise, the Demon Realm would not be in this ghostly place, nor would they be notorious. Since ancient times, the strong have been respected. If the Demon Realm had won the war thousands of years ago, I am afraid that the Demon Realm is now the boss of the Three Realms.

"Does the Demon Lord still remember her?".

The Great Elder Mo shook his head: "I don't remember, Mo Zun only has obedience in his eyes, and the person who wants to kill, he will not have emotions and desires.",
Suddenly, Uncle Ten Huang cried out in pain on the bed, the scream was piercing, the small hole in his chest had disappeared, and the three Gu in his body had already started fighting.

The Gu king, the Gu queen, and their next generation began to refuse to give in to each other in the body of the Ten Emperor Uncles.

(End of this chapter)

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