Chapter 752 [Unsolvable 7]

According to Uncle Ten Emperor's domineering and ruthless personality, fulfillment is definitely not something he can do.

Sometimes, feelings are so wonderful.When he said it, he was ruthless, what he wanted, and he said all the cruel words that he could think of, and the cruelest way to search his stomach. When it really came to that time, he found that even the simplest and softest words he said Can't do it.

At this time, Uncle Shihuang was sitting opposite Baili Rongzhen, his handsome and cold face showed no emotion, but his heart was overwhelming.

No matter what emotions Uncle Shihuang has, when he sees Baili Rongzhen, these emotions will be redeemed and will return to calm, but at this moment, seeing that face that is so close at hand, deeply imprinted in his mind , instead of calming down, his mood became even more chaotic.

After dinner, Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen walked around as before, then went to work separately, and then went to bed.

Baili Rongzhen didn't know what happened to Uncle Shi Huang, she was in high spirits today, even she was still taking a bath, so she couldn't wait any longer.Vigorously, viciously fought for three hundred rounds in the bathroom.

Originally, Baili Rongzhen thought that it would be enough, but how could she know that this was just the beginning.

It wasn't until dawn that Baili Rongzhen couldn't open her eyes, her begging for mercy became soft, and she had no strength, so Uncle Shi Huang let Baili Rongzhen go.

Throughout the day, Baili Rongzhen only ate and slept, and even ate on the bed.

In my heart, I have already greeted the Ten Emperor Uncle thousands of times, and men are really animals that think from the lower body.Originally there were only exhausted cattle, so there was no plowed field, but Baili Rongzhen was the plowed field.

Seeing Uncle Shi Huang go to the hall refreshed and early, Baili Rongzhen felt itchy with hatred in her heart, and swore that next time she must be steady, steady, must be steady.

But that night, this situation happened again, and Bai Lirongzhen lay on the bed for two days.

It was as if the whole person was about to collapse. On the third night, Uncle Shi Huang remained the same, showing no sign of restraint, and Baili Rongzhen was not happy anymore.

Facing Uncle Shihuang, he scolded his head and covered his face: "Di Shiyin, are you a machine? I don't know how tired you are",
"Di Shiyin, don't tease my aunt, my aunt is not happy, get off the bed and go to sleep",
"Di Shiyin, Di Shiyin," but at the back, Baili Rongzhen's voice became indistinct. In this regard, Baili Rongzhen had never had the dominant power, and it was all controlled by the ten emperor uncles.

From the beginning to the end, Baili Rongzhen couldn't help herself, she always did her own way.

But this time, Baili Rongzhen passed out directly on the bed, she was so tired, she was even more tired than practicing pills.

Seeing Baili Rongzhen sleeping in his arms, Uncle Shi Huang's eyes were full of distress, and there was no love or desire in those eyes.In fact, he didn't want to do this either, really didn't want to.

This thing pays attention to your love and my willingness. Although Uncle Shi Huang is sure that Baili Rongzhen has always been willing, Uncle Shi Huang prefers that things will happen naturally.

A steady flow of water is now a luxury for Ten Emperor Uncle, and he wished to use every moment of his life for a year.But he didn't have much time left, and he couldn't show his emotions on weekdays, for fear that Baili Rongzhen would find out.

At night, and only in this way can he express his fear,

(End of this chapter)

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