Chapter 755 [Ji Li 3]

It doesn't need too much emotion, but it sounds beautiful and touching.

"Well, I'm here",
Then Uncle Shihuang kissed Baili Rongzhen's forehead full of tenderness. This kiss was very pure, without any distracting thoughts. This was just an expression of Uncle Shihuang's affection for Baili Rongzhen, a catharsis mouth.

The next moment, Baili Rongzhen was hugged by Uncle Ten Huang, and the place changed in the blink of an eye.

When Baili Rongzhen withdrew from the tenth uncle's arms, she was dumbfounded, the sky was filled with silver light, and they were standing in the silver light, could it be that they were in the heaven?
Only the heavens can see the stars at close range, and feel that they are in the sky full of stars.

But at this moment, what Baili Rongzhen felt was that she was standing in the Milky Way with Uncle Shi Huang, so quiet and beautiful, that kind of beauty was not thrilling, but deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Milky Way?Is it really the Milky Way?

When Baili Rongzhen was in the human world, she pointed to the starlight in the sky and told Uncle Ten Emperors that it was the Milky Way, with countless stars, and the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, Magpie Bridge, who meet once a year.

At that time, Baili Rongzhen was just bored, and then shared some knowledge of her previous life, but it was all within a reasonable range, and she never mentioned those pistols, airplanes, cannons and so on.

Uncle Shihuang also asked Baili Rongzhen how she knew this. Baili Rongzhen replied that Uncle Shihuang read it in some unofficial history and miscellaneous books, but she had forgotten which book it was in.

Uncle Shi Huang would never doubt what Baili Rongzhen said, let alone suspect it, because this world is already full of fantasy. After all, Baili Rongzhen was born from a zombie for a hundred years, and she is a thing in itself. What's weirder than this?

It never occurred to Baili Rongzhen that Uncle Ten Emperor would put her in the shoes of the beauties she described.

"Is this heaven?",
Uncle Shihuang smiled and shook his head, Baili Rongzhen didn't see at all that Uncle Shihuang's smile contained too much sadness and reluctance.

The next moment, Ten Emperor Uncle actually hugged a large bouquet of roses to Baili Rongzhen from the space ring. Roses in this world are not called roses, but sunflowers. Baili Rongzhen also told Ten Emperor Uncle, On every important occasion, men will send women this flower.

And every woman loves this kind of flower, and told Uncle Ten Huang what the flower language of a certain number of flowers represents.

Baili Rongzhen didn't expect that Uncle Ten Huang had memorized all these techniques she had only mentioned once or twice. Looking at the huge bouquet of roses in front of her that couldn't be hugged at all, Baili Rongzhen Jane laughed.

You don't need to count, you know, nine hundred and ninety-nine flowers, endless love.Uncle Ten Huang gave her endless love.

At this moment, she was so moved that she wanted to cry, with such a husband, what more could a husband ask for.She is so happy, the greatest happiness is this, love each other, the man dotes on, and the woman is domineering in his world, for a long time.

Whether a man loves you or not depends on whether he is willing to spend his time on you. These ten uncles are all satisfied with Baili Rongzhen.

"do you like it?",
Baili Rongzhen hugged the rose hard, this picture is too romantic, silver heart draped veil, fiery red rose, love and side.What more could one ask for?

She got everything she asked for.

(End of this chapter)

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