Chapter 758 [Empathy 1]

Among the original four people, only Baili Rongzhen ate the most delicious meal.

After lunch, Linghu Xue'er and her father showed no signs of leaving, but Uncle Shi Huang whispered softly beside Baili Rongzhen's head: "Zhen'er, if you are sleepy, go inside." Lie down, if you are not used to it, go back to the Central Palace, I have to discuss some things here",
Baili Rongzhen looked at Uncle Ten Emperor: "Then I'll go back to the Central Palace, and you should come back early for dinner",
"it is good",
Baili Rongzhen left, and the moment Baili Rongzhen left, Ten Emperor Uncle was extremely indifferent and his face darkened.

Linghu Xue'er walked to the side of Ten Emperor Uncle, and said lightly: "Is this really the case?",
Uncle Shihuang didn't speak, while Linghu Xue'er's father looked at Mozun's back and didn't speak. None of the three said anything, but they were so angry that Baili Rongzhen left, and they were obviously much colder.

Do you really want to do this?Is there any other way?Is there any way to make her give up?Let her hate him, let her leave the devil world without a trace of nostalgia.

Other than that, Uncle Ten Huang couldn't think of any other way.

The moment Baili Rongzhen walked out of the flower hall, her aura became indifferent. Uncle Ten Emperors still cared about her and treated her as before. She believed that Uncle Ten Emperors and Linghu Xueer would have nothing to do. .

But for some reason, she couldn't feel any sincerity in the face of Uncle Ten Emperor.

Could it be that during this period of time, Uncle Ten Huang has been far and near to her, and she has started to think wildly.It must be so.At dinner time, Ten Emperor Uncle came back to accompany Baili Rongzhen for dinner, the two of them were still in the same state as before, and there was nothing wrong with them.

After Baili Rongzhen finished practicing, she went back to the bed to rest, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

It was very late, almost three o'clock, when Uncle Shihuang came to sleep, and Baili Rongzhen didn't sleep very well.

When sleeping in the past, no matter how late Ten Emperor Uncle came back, he would kiss Baili Rongzhen on the eyebrows, and then sleep with Baili Rongzhen in his arms.

But these days, Uncle Shihuang doesn't seem to hug Baili Rongzhen to sleep very much. When Baili Rongzhen was sleeping, Uncle Shihuang was not busy yet. When she got up, Uncle Shihuang had disappeared. .

Although Baili Rongzhen didn't say anything, she was already upset in her heart and had emotions, but she suppressed it rationally and didn't show it in front of Uncle Shi Huang, because she was afraid that if it was her own feelings What's wrong?

She was afraid of being misunderstood again and making a big mistake, just like the time when Uncle Shihuang ruined his life. This lesson was too profound, and it taught Baili Rongzhen a hard lesson, so she will definitely not act rashly this time.

That night, Ten Emperor Uncle finished very early, lay on the bed with Baili Rongzhen, and then held her into his arms. : "Zhen'er, go to sleep",
But Baili Rongzhen, who was embraced by Uncle Ten Emperors, felt overwhelming and turbulent inside. Uncle Ten Emperors smelled like other women, and Baili Rongzhen was a zombie who was particularly sensitive to smells.

And Uncle Shi Huang never let women get close to him, and Baili Rongzhen was very familiar with the smell of the rouge he used, but Baili Rongzhen knew that this smell was not her own.

Still a little familiar, she thought about it in her mind, yes, Linghu Xueer...
(End of this chapter)

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