Chapter 762 [Empathy 5]

She was completely deceived, and when she heard that Uncle Ten Huang had fainted, she panicked to the extreme.

She wanted to turn around to look for the little magic soldier, only to find that the little magic soldier who followed her all the way had disappeared.

Uncle Ten is not here?Where can she find it?

The entire hall was extremely silent, only the tung oil lamp was still flickering and jumping.

At this moment, a subtle voice caught Baili Rongzhen's mind. Although the voice was very small, Baili Rongzhen caught it.

Side hall?

The side hall is the place where the ten emperor uncles take a nap. The ten emperor uncles said that he used to take a nap in the side hall at noon before getting up to deal with the affairs of the demon palace. At that time, he sat in the position of the demon king, dealing with big and small matters. pile.

Therefore, the side hall has always kept its original appearance, and those servants will clean it every day.

Baili Rongzhen walked slowly towards the side hall. For some reason, she felt repelled and wanted to escape, but she didn't stop. This feeling was very contradictory.

When you walk to the side hall, the lights are bright.

Baili Rongzhen breathed a sigh of relief, there was no noise, no noise.Uncle Shi Huang should be resting inside. Originally, Baili Rongzhen wanted to turn around and leave, but a woman's voice entered her ears clearly.

"Mozun, she is here",
Baili Rongzhen was extremely surprised, and suddenly her breathing became painful.

Originally, she should have turned around and left. She knew it was a humiliation, but she still wanted to face it.

Baili Rongzhen walked over and pushed open the door of the side hall without any hesitation.

She was stunned, on the bed, two people, two people.

Perhaps because of Baili Rongzhen's movement, Ten Emperor Uncle pulled the thin quilt from the bed and covered the two of them.

"Go away", the voice was decisive, indifferent, with the fury of thunder.

Without any movement, Uncle Ten Huang frowned, stood up, and exposed his upper body.His eyes were as sharp as an eagle's and looked towards the door.

When Uncle Ten Huang saw Baili Rongzhen's cold face, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He never thought that it would be Baili Rongzhen.

"Zhen'er, it's not what you see, me and me",
Uncle Ten Huang tried to explain, his tone extremely flustered, and that Zhen'er even trembled, that guilty conscience and that fear were not feigned.

The corner of Baili Rongzhen's mouth curled into a faint smile. "Uncle Ten Emperors, I thought you were an indomitable man, but I didn't expect you to be an ordinary person."
"In the face of beauty, I still can't sit still, I, Baili Rongzhen, can't afford such a man",
After finishing speaking, Baili Rongzhen turned around, and Cumin left completely. At this moment, her heart was extremely calm.

When the betrayal came, Baili Rongzhen couldn't imagine that she was so calm. At this moment, she suddenly understood why she has always been unsteady these days, even if Uncle Ten is by her side.

Facing Uncle Ten Emperor's affectionate style, she really wanted to escape, but thinking about it, Uncle Ten Emperor had been eating with her before the time came for many days, and often he was no longer in the palace.

Originally, Baili Rongzhen thought it was nothing. After all, they were married and they were independent individuals, so they should have their own private space.

But now that I think about it, how ridiculous that is, private space, ha ha.

Uncle Shihuang hasn't touched her for a long time,

(End of this chapter)

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