Chapter 767 [Leave 2]

To be honest, Baili Rongzhen seemed to be fine and calm, but only she knew it.In the dead of night, it was a kind of torment. At the beginning, she was looking forward to the coming of night. When dreaming, she would dream of ten emperor uncles, ten emperor uncles' return, and those tender feelings.

She was so happy in the dream, but later she hated the night more and more. After waking up from the dream the next day, the facts before her eyes made her want to experience the pain of loss once.

And every day and every night, her hatred for Uncle Ten Huang will continue to deepen.

She couldn't question Uncle Shi Huang's empathy, and she was glad that she and Uncle Shi Huang chose to separate in such a silent way, because she was afraid that she would not be able to restrain herself from seeing Uncle Shi Huang standing in front of her. hatred, and then shot at Ten Emperor Uncle

When love is shattered, the most embarrassing thing is to tear your face.She hates, but her hatred is also high-profile, and she wants to reserve the last dignity for herself.

In the past, in front of Linghu Xueer, Baili Rongzhen always had a sense of superiority. Even if she became the queen, Ten Emperor Uncle still only had her in his heart.Even if Uncle Ten Huang loses his memory, he is only willing to touch her.

So Linghu Xueer is a clown in front of Baili Rongzhen.

Now Baili Rongzhen finally understands why her best friend in her previous life would often say this sentence, there is no corner that cannot be dug, only a mistress who doesn't work hard.


On the last night, when it was finally time to leave, Baili Rongzhen's heart became more at ease. From now on, Uncle Ten Huang would walk on Uncle Ten Emperor's sunny path, and she would walk on her single-plank bridge.It's best to stay away from each other forever.

Baili Rongzhen didn't know that every night, outside the central palace, there was always a white body standing on the gazebo on the rockery not far away, looking at Baili Rongzhen's room with the lights on night after night.

Even though Baili Rongzhen fell asleep, the figure still didn't leave, and it would only disappear at dawn.

It wasn't someone else but Uncle Ten. Every day, Uncle Ten would stand there and watch Baili Rongzhen sleep. Uncle Ten was very clear about when Baili Rongzhen went to sleep.Baili Rongzhen didn't know that Uncle Shi Huang who was standing outside was getting weaker and weaker.

The time of coma is getting longer and longer. As long as he is awake, he is outside the central palace. During the day he will be invisible. Only when he stands outside the central palace can he feel at ease and feel the existence of Baili Rongzhen.

His Zhen'er, Zhen'er, was leaving.What should I do, I'm so sorry.But Uncle Shihuang knew in his heart that he could not be selfish, absolutely not, for selfishness would ruin his Zhen'er.

The person he was unwilling to hurt in this life, but he hurt her again and again.

On the night of the third day, at midnight, the fog began to thicken.Uncle Shihuang was still standing in the gazebo all covered in cumin, the thick fog made his robe feel wet, but his eyes were still looking at that particular room in the middle palace with attachment.

Linghu Xue'er took a robe, walked over and put it on Uncle Ten Emperor's body: "Mozun, go back, the robe is all wet,"
"The deity is at the standing meeting, and I am accompanying her for a while, you know, I am afraid that I will not be able to accompany her like this in this life",
"Even just looking at her from a distance is an extravagant hope. I don't know if she will live well in her future life by herself."
"She is sad, there is no one to comfort her, she is sad, she has no shoulders, she often forgets to eat,
(End of this chapter)

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