Chapter 790 [Transaction 5]

Baili Rongzhen stood there watching coldly, she was wondering if the doves had taken over the magpie's nest.Originally, humans and ghosts have different paths, but zombies and ghosts should be regarded as the same family. They just have a body but no soul. Only through cultivation can one obtain a soul.

But Li Gui has a soul but no body, Baili Rongzhen stood there, even thinking in her mind, will her zombie boys one day use their bodies to fight their own souls?

This has a great possibility.

Just when Baili Rongzhen was stunned, the zombies she summoned failed, and the number of those ghosts continued to increase, but there were only a few zombies.

Baili Rongzhen squinted her eyes, and when she was watching the battle expressionlessly, a zombie's head was pulled out.

Those ghosts seem to know that the head is the belief of zombies. They respect their own heads very much. Only in front of Baili Rongzhen will they pull out their heads and use their beliefs to respect the queen of the zombie world.

The next moment, Baili Rongzhen summoned a team of zombies, yes, it was a team, it was more than the number, it was absolutely crushing.

Standing in an inconspicuous place, even though he knew Baili Rongzhen couldn't see it, Guijun still used the invisibility technique to stand there, taking everything into his eyes.

Seeing his subordinates mingling with those zombies, and some of them were even beaten to death by the zombies, not only was he not angry, but a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, really interesting",
It has to be said that originally he really wanted to give Baili Rongzhen a badass, but he just wanted to let her fully recognize whose territory this was, but instead of frightening Baili Rongzhen, he gave himself a Big surprise.

At this time, Gui Jun didn't know how to describe his heart. He didn't think that he was just a whim, but he never thought that Baili Rongzhen actually aroused his interest.

His character can be as he pleases, cloudy or sunny, but it's just because of the long and boring years of polishing, if not, he really doesn't know how to prove his existence.

Baili Rongzhen was an accident in his life, and it seemed that it was really a beautiful accident.

When Guijun was facing him, he made a gesture, then turned and left, since the surprise had already been given, there was no need to read on, he was waiting for the next surprise.

Baili Rongzhen stood there, watching the zombies and ghosts coming and going, and there was a rippling in her calm heart, but those ghosts disappeared in the blink of an eye as if they had received some order.

At this moment, only the zombies of Baili Rongzhen were left, and there was still a mess.

The dismounted limbs of the zombies have not had time to be reattached. If Baili Rongzhen took these zombies, there might not be any traces of the originally fierce battle, as if the scene just happened was just a hallucination.

After a quarter of an hour, Baili Rongzhen saw that the zombies with broken arms and legs had all been picked up, and then let them go, but Baili Rongzhen left behind a few zombies with a slightly higher level.

In this ghost house, someone else's territory, it is obvious that the ghost king will not send someone to take care of her food and sleeping quarters, so he can only use his own people.

Who else can she use, only zombies.

It's totally impossible to call them here

(End of this chapter)

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