Chapter 801 [Resurrection 8]

He turned his head suddenly, and met the sharp eyes of Shangshihuangshu. Although he was afraid and shuddered, he was excited, and the excitement almost made him faint.

He has reached the age of the Great Elder Mo, and he has never seen such a storm, and he has never been able to make him happy like this. It took a long time to find his own voice.

"Momo. Mozun", his voice was trembling.Couldn't even finish a full sentence.

Uncle Ten Huang frowned slightly, and his whole body was extremely gloomy.

However, a faint word of grace was squeezed out from the nasal cavity: "en",
"Oh my god, I'm really resurrected, the Demon Lord was really resurrected by me",
The Great Elder Demon, a prestige Great Elder of the Demon Realm, was so happy at this moment that he didn't look old at all.

"Go, get the ghost face",
"Okay, okay, I'll go now, I'll go now",
Then he quickly disappeared into the ice cave. Elder Mo was so happy that he even forgot to check the body of the tenth emperor's uncle. In this ice cave, even if the tenth emperor's uncle was resurrected, his weak body would not be able to resist the cold air of the ice cave.

Fortunately, Uncle Ten Huang seemed to be weak at this time, but his internal body was actually very strong.

At this time, Uncle Ten Emperor's cultivation base has improved several steps compared to before, it is simply against the sky, he just woke up, and he has not integrated those spiritual powers.As long as they are integrated, there is no one in the world who is his opponent.

Really don't have to worry about there are people outside the mountains, there are people outside the mountains, he is invincible.It is completely possible to be the only one, and directly crush all opponents.

As soon as Elder Mo left the ice cave, Uncle Ten Huang said coldly: "Come out", with no tone at all. This is the way Uncle Ten Huang is used to speaking, but Uncle Ten Huang's opening at this moment makes people feel to evil spirits.

Even if there was no killing, he could still feel the evil spirit, but it came from Uncle Ten Huang himself.

The next moment, the white tiger appeared directly, and when he met the eyes of the top ten emperor uncles, he felt that his soul was being shaken.

One glance, just one glance, can achieve such an effect. Only when the strength disparity reaches a certain level, can such an effect be achieved. The white tiger is an ancient beast, and it is in its heyday. Uncle Ten Emperors can make the white tiger feel the shock of the primordial spirit , Uncle Ten Emperor has experienced life and death, and his cultivation has become so perverted.

Uncle Ten Huang sized up the handsome man in front of him, "Warcraft?".Although he was asking, Bai Hu didn't need to return the determined emotion in that tone.

"It was your master who saved me?",
Baihu paused and nodded. He didn't feel that he was cheating at all. It was his master who saved the tenth uncle, but it was also his master who saved the tenth uncle. If it wasn't for his master, their master wouldn't have Will not shoot.

And his master's original intention was for the master.

"Who is your master?",
A flash of shock flashed in Baihu's eyes. Uncle Ten Huang had forgotten his master, but in a flash, he recovered. Forgetting is normal, because everyone's memory of Uncle Ten Huang has been wiped out.

Wrong, all the memories related to Uncle Ten Emperor's time in the human world were wiped out, and every little thing that happened to Baili Rongzhen during this period of time in the demon world was also wiped out.

There is no Baili Rongzhen in the demon world, and there is no Ten Emperor Uncle in the human world.

"Who is my master, the Demon Lord will know in the future",
Then the white tiger disappeared in the ice cave, unexpectedly the tenth emperor uncle has been resurrected, he should also go to announce the good news,
(End of this chapter)

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