Chapter 835 [Di Shiyin's Child 7]

Only the family members of the patient can clearly understand this kind of mentality, but it is not him who is afraid of such an answer and will not come. Shixuan looked at Baili Rongzhen and then again, Baili Mengmeng ..

Anthology sighed, at this moment he didn't even have room for regret, if he had known that Baili Rongzhen had a son, and this son Jiahao was the child of Baili Rongzhen and Di Shiyin, he would have killed Shi Xuan would not take this matter on himself.

It will be a matter of time before Di Shiyin recovers his memory. If he is cured, it's okay. If she is not cured, then she will have to accept the anger from Di Shiyin. Not everyone can bear this anger.

The current Di Shiyin is even more terrifying, cold-blooded, and unscrupulous than the previous Di Shiyin.

And Baili Rongzhen has always been Di Shiyin's nemesis, has always been Di Shiyin's variable, and is also Di Shiyin's weakness. As long as he touches Baili Rongzhen's matter, Di Shiyin will have no reason to rely on. Word.

Baili Rongzhen's son is simply a lover of the house, and I believe Di Shiyin is also irrational about Baili Mengmeng.

But at this time, Anthology said that he couldn't be cured, and he was just making fun of himself. That little devil zombie has a much more cruel temper than Uncle Shihuang, and it will go crazy if you don't pay attention.

Those zombies in the foggy forest are her masterpiece.

Anthology would be very happy if Baili Rongzhen didn't come to Yaowang Valley. Those zombies are natural bodyguards in the misty forest. It is even more difficult for those people to enter Yaowang Valley now. .

Sometimes Anthology still thinks that thanks to that little devil zombie, she has lived with peace of mind for so many years, but now, that kind of luck and that sense of superiority are gone.

The zombies in the misty forest are simply double-edged swords.On the one hand, he should be happy to help the anthology to keep those lifeless people from entering the foggy forest, but on the other hand, it is not a threat to him.

It's like Baili Rongzhen put the thousands of troops in front of his door, and he dared to say no to treatment, dare to say no, the consequences would be disastrous, no, it should be a greater threat than the thousands of troops.

So what if thousands of troops confront him again?Everything in the world has a weakness. Thousands of troops and horses are living creatures. He only needs a formation and a little poison to solve his threat.

But what about zombies?Immortal.

Zombies also have weaknesses. For people with deep knowledge, there is no threat at all. The key point is that they have no knowledge at all. What can he do.

There is a saying that goes like this, enjoy when you can’t resist. Anthology is a contradictory person, and his personality is also contradictory.At this moment, he already knew what realm he was facing, so he could only choose to accept it.

At this time, he was already thinking in his heart, since he wanted to heal Baili Rongzhen's son, since he had to bear Di Shiyin's anger and Baili Rongzhen's threat, why didn't he fight for more benefits for himself?

Now Baili Rongzhen is in frustration, so it is impossible to mention Di Shiyin in the anthology, and what he is most interested in is the medicinal materials in Baili Rongzhen's inner space. In this case, he should ask for more medicinal materials.

When Di Shiyin seeks revenge, he will take those medicinal materials and fly far away, so that Di Shiyin can't find anyone, so he will come to a golden cicada to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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