Chapter 842 [Irresponsible Dad 3]

"Well, he is a man, just like your father",
The next moment, Baili Mengmeng, who was about to faint from the pain, suddenly opened her eyes, looking at Shi Xuan sharply, "Do you know who my father is?",
"You do not know?",
In fact, I understand everything about poetry anthology, but talking to this child is not fun at all. Where is a child, you have to think carefully when talking to him, lest you say something wrong.

"You know it in your heart",
"What an unlovable child",
Baili Mengmeng didn't speak, but he didn't know why, but when Anthology mentioned his father, he didn't feel so much pain, and he was able to bear it.

"Stinky boy, if you survive seven to fourty-nine days without fainting once, I will tell you who your father is."
"Really? Are you sure you really know who my father is?" Baili Mengmeng's tone was extremely suspicious, obviously his mother didn't know this man, why did he know who my father was?
"Nonsense, in this world, I'm afraid whose son you are, only I know."
"Want to know? If you want to know, let the labor and management bear the pain",
"Sorry, I don't want to know at all, who is my irresponsible father",
"Irresponsible?" Hehe, a smile appeared on the corner of Anthology's mouth, and that smile was gloating.It seems that after Di Shiyin has taken care of the big ones, he has to work hard to take care of the small ones.At this moment, those grievances seem to have disappeared.

"Yes, it is an irresponsible father who abandons his wife and cannot be forgiven",
Anthology of Poetry thought that Baili Mengmeng was a kid who was easy to fool around, because the little kid was not deeply involved in the world, so he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't cheat on Uncle Shihuang at this time.

It's a pity that Anthology simply underestimated Baili Mengmeng's IQ. He has the excellent genes of Uncle Ten Emperors and the devilish nature of Baili Rongzhen.Therefore, Shixuan, an adult who is over a thousand years old, does not have the slightest sense of superiority in front of Baili Mengmeng.

The pain at this time made Baili Mengmeng even colder.He raised his head and looked straight at the anthology of poems, "It's not good to add oil and vinegar, I will think you are making things worse",
In fact, as soon as he heard the tone of the anthology, Baili Mengmeng knew that most of those words were not true, but there was a sentence in the anthology that touched his heart. A man who abandoned his wife was not worthy of being taken seriously.No matter who his father is or how capable he is, he is not ready to accept it.

If he is absent, then he will be absent all the time. Neither he nor his mother have any expectations for this father.The life of being dependent on each other is actually very good. In a few years, he will grow up, he will practice desperately, and he will hold up a sky for his mother and let her do whatever she wants.

Women are for pampering, and he will pamper his mother like a man.

After finishing speaking, Baili Mengmeng ignored the astonished expression of Anthology, he still had to fight the potion in this tub, the sun was setting, and today was the end.

It was already dark when Baili Mengmeng appeared in front of Baili Rongzhen refreshingly, and his mother set up a table of his favorite dishes.Seeing Baili Mengmeng came back, she said indifferently: "Go wash your hands and have a meal",
Then the two mothers and sons ate separately. There was no fancy language or warm words between them, but they understood each other.

Baili Rongzhen didn't ask about Baili Mengmeng's treatment, and Baili Mengmeng didn't take the initiative to speak up. Regarding the process, both of them chose to remain silent tacitly.

(End of this chapter)

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