Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 124 The Angry Titan Giant Ape

Chapter 124 The Angry Titan Giant Ape
"Get out of the way!" Tang Hao commanded, looking at the three Clear Sky School disciples holding the Clear Sky Hammer with sharp eyes like arrows.

"What qualifications do you have to order us? We can't stop you if you want, but if you hurt some people, it's not good, or you kill us all, anyway, you have the ability." Tang Shan looked at the members of Shrek Tang San's eyes were cold.

"You're forcing me!" Tang Hao growled in a low voice, trying to restrain himself, he really didn't want to fight with the members of the Clear Sky School, otherwise he and Tang San would never even think of recognizing their ancestors in this life. .

"Forcing you! How dare I, you even dare to beat the Pope. I'm just a little soul saint. I'm forcing you to seek death? I just want to recover the loss for the restaurant." Tang Shan said, Watching Tang Hao sneer.

Tang Shan refused to accept the hard and soft, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand appeared and disappeared, his face was cloudy and cloudy, after a while, Tang Hao had no choice but to take out a gold card and flew towards the restaurant owner, he was the member of the Clear Sky School back then. Young suzerain, it is very normal to bring a few million on your body.

The owner of the restaurant smiled, took the gold card, put it away without looking at it, glanced at Tang Hao and said: "Okay, you can have it."

Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, his gold card clearly contained 300 million gold soul coins, these were all the belongings he brought out from Haotianzong back then, he was useless for a penny all these years, he didn't expect to be so The owner of the restaurant directly took it all away from him, without any intention of paying back the 100 million.

Just as Tang Hao was about to get angry, Hu Tian and Hu Yue'er had already walked through the air and disappeared in the direction of Star Dou Forest. They didn't care about recovering the remaining 100 million and chased after them. Shrek members ate a piece of Oscar's mushroom sausage Followed by.

Hutian wasn't short of money, and cheating Shrek Academy of 200 million was just to disgust those Shrek teachers and students who talked about "garbage" all day long.

Hu Tian and Hu Yue'er were not fast, they intentionally waited for Tang Hao and the Shrek members, if they were lost, all the hard work today would be in vain.

Arriving at the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, Hu Tian turned his head to look at Tang Hao and the Shrek members behind him. Except for Flender and Tang Hao, each Shrek member had six illusory wings behind them.

Bringing Hu Yue'er into the forest, Hu Tian looked towards the direction of Xinghu in the Xingdou Forest, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, everything had just begun.

"People, didn't they say they fought in another place? Why did they disappear?" Zhao Wuji asked aloud when the Shrek members followed into the Star Dou Forest and didn't see Hu Tian and Hu Yue'er.

"Hehe, whoever dares to fight Haotian Douluo, the one surnamed Fu should have escaped by taking advantage of the complex natural environment of the Star Dou Forest." Flender circled in the air for another week but did not find Hutian's figure and sneered endlessly.

"The Star Dou Forest is not peaceful recently, why don't we leave for now." Yu Xiaogang said, he felt very uneasy surrounded by the dark forest under the night sky.

Tang Hao glanced at Xiao Wu in Tang San's arms, the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand, with Xiao Wu in his hand, he didn't believe that the king of Star Dou Forest would attack him.

In the night, there was darkness between the sky and the earth. After Flender landed, the figures of Hu Tian and Hu Yue'er slowly appeared in the sky.

The Star Dou Forest is extremely dense, with an average tree height of more than 20 meters. In the sky, Hutian can see two huge beast shadows moving through the forest like hills.

"I'm still too kind." Hu Tian looked up at the starry sky and sighed.

Hu Yue'er gave Hu Tian a blank look, but she didn't say a word. She had seen Xiao Wu and Tang Hao's miserable situation with her own eyes. Although Hu Tian usually treated them very well, it still made her feel strange that Hu Tian made such an exclamation at this time. weird.

Hu Tian ignored Hu Yue'er, looked in the direction of the Shrek members and snorted coldly: "I've given her the chance to choose, and I've done my best to do this."

Below Tiger Sky, Tang Hao and Xiao Wu felt the arrival of the two forest kings almost at the same time, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand rapidly grew bigger, and at the same time, a whole nine soul rings quietly appeared on him, two yellow Two purples, four blacks, and one red envelop him.


The giant ape as tall as a mountain raised its head to the sky and let out a tragic and angry roar that shook the world, sending the Shrek Seven Monsters and Yu Xiaogang flying a hundred meters away.

The black hairs all over the body of the titan giant ape stood upside down, looking extremely hideous and terrifying. He didn't even notice Xiao Wu next to him, who was holding a four to five feet long iron rod and smashed it at Tang Hao in the air with gusts of wind. Next, no mercy at all.

Tang Hao was startled, the red soul ring lit up, an unknown soul skill was used, and he hurriedly responded. He didn't expect that the Titan Great Ape would attack her. He had heard A Yin say that the 10-year-old in the Star Dou Forest Soft Bone Rabbit Titan Giant Ape Qingtian Niuban is a good friend, just now he thought that Titan Giant Ape and Qingtian Niuban came to find Xiao Wu, and the spirit ring was just in case, he didn't think that Titan Giant Ape directly Shoot him.


When the sticks and hammers collided, the blood-red light of the 10-year-old soul ring illuminated the entire forest land. The incomparable power overflowed, and the entire forest trembled violently. Countless trees were shattered. Hao directly smashed into the ground, only one head was exposed.

The Titan Giant Ape gained power, raised the iron rod in his hand again, and slammed it down again with a gloomy light, vowing to kill Tang Hao who had been planted underground by himself with one stick.

Tang Hao smiled wryly. If it was in its heyday, the Titan Giant Ape would not be his opponent, but now his injuries are serious, plus he has lost the opportunity, and the Titan Giant Ape has an extra iron rod in his hand that he has never used before. Under such conditions, how could he be the opponent of the Titan Ape? With the blow just now, he already understood that the iron rod in the hands of the Titan Ape was definitely not an ordinary iron rod, and contained other powers inside.

"No!" Two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Two exclamations, one from Tang San, one from Xiao Wu.

The iron rod in the hand of the Titan Giant Ape did not land on Tang Hao in the end, and stopped less than half an inch away from Xiao Wu's forehead. At the very moment, Xiao Wu blocked the iron rod of the Titan Giant Ape with teleportation soul skills.

"Sister Xiao Wu, why? The soul ring on his body belongs to Xiao Ming, and Xiao Ming is also your younger brother." Tai Tanju first froze with an ape expression, then asked loudly, roaring angry and puzzled, staring at Tang Hao's eighth soul Ring, bloodshot eyes.

"I'm sorry, Er Ming, I can't let you kill him!" Xiao Wu looked up at the titan great ape in front of him, feeling extremely guilty.

"Why, he killed my younger brother, and it's only right and proper for me to kill him for revenge. There were only two Titans in this world, my brother and me, because of him, and now I am the only one. Miss Xiao Wu, although Xiao Ming is not your real brother, But she also called you Miss Xiao Wu of 6 years, and now her enemy is right in front of her eyes, how can you stop me from avenging him?" The Titan Giant Ape was extremely angry, roaring up to the sky, except that the enemy is right in front of him, there is no way to take revenge In addition, there is more confusion and anger towards Xiao Wu. Could it be that the 10-year relationship has been completely forgotten in just a few years?

Xiao Wu raised her hand to caress the body of the titan great ape as usual, but she stretched out her hand in the air but chose to retract it, bowing her head in silence.

"Sister Wu, I know that because of Auntie, you yearn for the human way of life very much. We hope that you can do what you want to do happily, so under the pressure of Star Dou Core, I will help you transform into form, but Do you still remember the original intention of your transformation?" A huge bull's head appeared and dragged a body of [-] meters behind, juxtaposed with the titan giant ape, staring at the dancer who lowered his head in front of him and asked.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's body trembled, she lowered her head and said, "Revenge for mother, revenge for Xiao Ming."

"Just remember, for 10 years we have listened to you and auntie, but today, whether you agree or not, this human being must die. Er Ming asked you to respect you, and he has countless ways to avoid killing you." This human being." The Qingtian Bull Python's voice was cold and a little angry. The Titan Giant Ape was able to bear the vengeance of killing his brother and asked Xiao Wu. "Besides, he bowed his head and said nothing, and he didn't even want to explain to Er Ming, which made Da Ming feel angry.

(End of this chapter)

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